DD is in the 6 week to 18 month class. It's a class of 10 kids. I wasn't sure what I would think of it in the beginning when DD was young, but I really liked it. For a good amount of time they had a lot of LOs that were the same age and they would do lots of activities, go on walks, go to the indoor play area, etc.
Now a lot of the older ones have transitioned and DD is one of the older ones in the class. I am starting to get frustrated. They've had 3 new little babies start in the past week or so. A couple more little babies are starting soon. DD is one of 3 that are over a year, and I'm starting to feel like she is being ignored because the little babies have so many more needs. I really feel like she is playing by herself a good part of the day. They haven't had a chance to get out of their classroom the past week or two (they used to get out every single day).
Just curious what other age groups your LOs are in and if you like it or not.
Re: DC Moms, what age group is your LO in right now? (sort of a Vent, too)
My DC generally moves kids to the next room at 1 year, but they are flexible based on the child's needs. I've seen a LO stay in the infant room until 15 months and another moved up at 11 months.
Have you talked to the teachers or the director about your concerns? Maybe they can move her up to the next class early so she get more age appropriate play.
Our DC is the same as yours basically, it's 3 mos - around 18 mos. He's definitely getting to be the oldest in the class. There's one boy who's older than him, and the two of them pretty much just wrestle all day and keep each other away from the nonmobile babies. I'm a little worried about what it'll be like when the older boy moves up. (I'm not sure exactly how old he is). The next closest in age is a girl, and I don't think my LO and her play very well together - he's pretty rough.
I'll have to see how they handle this. If he seems bored, I would hope they would move him up early, or maybe send him outside with the older kids once a day or something.
Large age span classes was VERY important to me and a deal breaker when I looked at DC. It is one of the many reasons I chose mine. I would not want my LO to be in a class with 6 month old at this point.
Our DC classes are 6w -6m, 6m- 12m and 12m - 1y.
I hear ya. Age seperation was on my list, too. But, of all the places I looked at DD's daycare is by far the best one for her and our family. It was something I had to compromise on.
Our infant room is really two rooms separated by a half wall. One side is 0-pulling up, the other side is pulling up to 18 months or so. I think there are only 5 babies on the big side right now, but they keep at least a 4 to 1 ratio so she gets lots of attention.
She did have a hard time right before they moved her, she was the last one to move to the big side of her group, and she was constantly having to be corrected for touching the babies. The freedom being on the big side has been great!
We're in the same position. DD is still in her "infant" class even though she's the oldest in the class now and the only walker. There is another baby her same age but he's not walking yet, then another 2 months younger (also not walking), and then two little babies. She loves her teachers, but I'm very ready for her to switch- I feel like she is so bored in that classroom because they only have little baby toys. I think the teachers are ready for her to switch too (they try to entertain her and take her on lots of walks and to the playground- but she has a lot more energy than all the little babies), but they have to wait for an opening in the "toddler" class. It's supposed to happen in September but we'll see.
I also can't wait because they provide food and milk for the toddlers, and I have to prepare lunches and snacks for her now.
Not to mention, the cost goes down by a little bit too! (still haven't figured that one out). I also think she's ready to go down to one nap per day but we've been forcing two naps because that's how many they give in the infant room.
the older they get, the higher the kid/teacher ratio can be, so it generally gets a little cheaper as they get older.
Our DC has a baby house, for kids 6 weeks - roughly 2. They move to the "big house" the next school year after they turn 2. The school year started on Tuesday. So, next year this time Ty will move to the big house.
In the baby house there are three "rooms". They don't have specific ages when they move them, it's all based on development. However all three rooms spend time together as well at the beginning and end of each day. Right now Ty is in the "little movers" room, and most of the kids in there are right around his age. They're all just starting to walk. Honestly, they considered moving him to the bigger toddlers room with the new school year, but they're going to wait a bit because he'll be the youngest by far. They did say that he's developed enough to be in there, and he spends a good amount of time there, when they can drag him away from their new kitchen set!
BFP #2: 7/23/14 - MC: 8/28/14
BFP #3: 2/22/15 - MC: 3/3/15
BFP #4: 5/20/15 - Stick baby stick!!!