Elizabeth Ann is a bit on the plain side for me, but that's what I voted for. Had Erin and Emily been spelled like this, I probably would've voted Emily.
Even if Erin and Emily had been spelled correctly, Elizabeth would still be the winner. But with them spelled all crazy, it's definitely the only appropriate choice.
Might be a local thing, but around here Aerin is another acceptable spelling for Erin. One famous person with the same spelling is Aerin Lauder (Este Lauder Heiress). But here there is probably 1 Aerin for every 2-3 Erins... Aeryn is the Celtic spelling for Erin. DH thinks Aerin is easier to pronounce than Aeryn since the spelling is closer to Erin which is more common that Aeryn.
Background - DH's name is Aaron - I don't like Jr's but for a little girl, we like it. Also, since I call my husband Aaron (along with our family) DD nickname would be Aerie (Air-ee) Since we live in Michigan and Erie is a great lake, we like the Ae spelling better.
**Also for Emmalee - I like Emma for a first name but DH does not - so his compromise was Emily - but I'd still call her Emma so Emmalee is the spelling we decided on... Also Lee is a family name.
I voted for Elizabeth Ann, but it's jsut so-so to me. Pretty name, but no really pizzazz. The others are nice names, but the spelling and middle names are just not doing it for me.
Re: Girls CP
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
I voted for Elizabeth Ann, but I also like
Cora Elizabeth
Emma Elizabeth
Cora Ann
Emily Ann
Emily Cora
If you like Emily, but want a different spelling, I would suggest Emilie.
Baby Name Popularity by State
Elizabeth by a mile!
Even if Erin and Emily had been spelled correctly, Elizabeth would still be the winner. But with them spelled all crazy, it's definitely the only appropriate choice.
My BFP Chart
Might be a local thing, but around here Aerin is another acceptable spelling for Erin. One famous person with the same spelling is Aerin Lauder (Este Lauder Heiress). But here there is probably 1 Aerin for every 2-3 Erins... Aeryn is the Celtic spelling for Erin. DH thinks Aerin is easier to pronounce than Aeryn since the spelling is closer to Erin which is more common that Aeryn.
Background - DH's name is Aaron - I don't like Jr's but for a little girl, we like it. Also, since I call my husband Aaron (along with our family) DD nickname would be Aerie (Air-ee) Since we live in Michigan and Erie is a great lake, we like the Ae spelling better.
**Also for Emmalee - I like Emma for a first name but DH does not - so his compromise was Emily - but I'd still call her Emma so Emmalee is the spelling we decided on... Also Lee is a family name.