After much thought I posted my BG 3.0?s size Small and Med with other BG pockets on Spots Corner b/c similar diapers were selling like hotcakes for between $8 and $10 each. I priced them from $7 to $8 each in lots of 3 with discounts for additional purchases but ? nothing? Sure they are natural colors b/c I bought them before I knew LO was a boy.
Give me some suggestions to sell these diapers. If LO #4 comes around I?ve decided to use my BGE?s. The 3.0 AIO?s were my Daycare cd?s but they were taken care of.
Re: Bummed my CD?s are not selling
List on or diaperswappers or CL as well?
Some things just take time. I've had some NIP Alvas listed for 2 or 3 weeks, and they're finally moving.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Have you posted them on the daily post on this board? I never saw them. I'll pm you my email and you can send me the details/pics. I think I'm okay on med, but our small is small. I will try to dig out the meds and look, though.
Thanks ladies!
I guess I'll give it a few days and list them individually on Spots.
I tired the buy/sell/trade BumGenius on FB but its wonky b/c it posts randomly not by the time stamp.
I might have to attack Diaper Swappers but it?s intimidating.
I posted on the Swap Spot but it?s covered over with people looking for Pamper points and formula coupons.
Thanks ladies!
I guess I'll give it a few days and list them individually on Spots.
I tired the buy/sell/trade BumGenius on FB but its wonky b/c it posts randomly not by the time stamp.
I might have to attack Diaper Swappers but it?s intimidating.
I posted on the Swap Spot but it?s covered over with people looking for Pamper points and formula coupons.
Here's my listings. My Spots name is SoccerMama9
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Thanks again ladies!
I posted a size small BG on diaperswappers the other day and it sold in 30 minutes.
Your prices sound very reasonable if they are in good shape. I don't like having to buy a certain amount in a lot, so I'll usually pm that person to see if they would be willing to work with me on the number I want.