Cloth Diapering

If I was to CD, where do I even start?

I have a 3yo DD but I used disposables with her. I am due in January with #2, and am contemplating CDing, just to save money and since it's better for the environment and all that. But I truly am lost on where to even begin. Disposables are so easy- just go buy a bag and slap a diaper on your kid's bootie. CD's are so much more work with washing and inserts and covers and's a bit overwhelming. If you were to tell a new mama where to start, what would you say? What would I need to buy? What is the best way to wash/take care of them? What other "accessories" are needed (diaper genie, potty spray thingy...)? HELP!

Re: If I was to CD, where do I even start?

  • You're in the right place!

    Check out the FAQ at the top of the board (don't worry - it's tiny so everyone misses it) and the YouTube series Cloth Diapering 101. Those sources will give you a great foundation to get started and familiar with different options.

    Don't worry about washing yet - it's really not a big deal. I wash with Tide powder or Country Save and it amounts to 2-3 extra loads of laundry per week. It's nothing special or particularly difficult. (Yes, there is a ton of conflicting info out there about washing and sometimes you're made to believe diapers are made from ultra precious fine fabrics that will self destruct with one laundry mis-step...but they are mainly cotton and polyester. Just don't use fabric softener. Or regular diaper rash cream. And use a powdered detergent if you can).

    Most ladies here find that CDs are really no more work than disposables. Once you have your system down, it's just part of what you do. I'd much rather do 2-3 extra loads of laundry per week than have to take the trash out every day or *ever* have to clean up a poopsplosion out of a car seat or stroller.

    And basic stuff:

    -One size diapers will not fit newborns. Even if the manufacturer says 'fits from 8 lbs.' Newborn legs are too skinny. Some LOs fit them after 2 weeks, others after 2 months or more.

    -For a newborn you'll need ~36 diapers to wash every other day. Some people buy a newborn stash, others use disposables until their babies fit into one-size. I bought a newborn stash used (a very good way to save money), even though I'm only having one baby (and therefore won't realize any savings with future children). I sold the stash for more than what I paid.

    -Have fun. And ask more questions here as you think of them!

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  • I'm a newbie as well and haven't even completed the transition yet (got my big stash in the mail yesterday - washing tonight & transitioning to 100% CD this weekend!!) and my biggest insight thus far is that this does NOT need to cost you $500+ :)

    Some cheap-ish options:

    - Kawaii does cute, cheap, and highly reviewed pocket diapers in both microfiber & bamboo

    - Kawaii also does prefolds & covers = your cheapest option

    - Sunbaby also does cute & cheap pockets

    - Etsy has lots of nice, orginal designs on your accessory items, like diaper pail liners

    -You can make your own laundry detergent out of washing soda, borax, and oxyclean 

    We bought one of 3 different kinds, experimented over a couple of weekends and then made the big investment in a full stash. We're starting off with one pail liner, one wet bag, and 1 roll of liners. We'll add more accessories as needed.  

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  • imagececilyandgautam:

    I'm a newbie as well and haven't even completed the transition yet (got my big stash in the mail yesterday - washing tonight & transitioning to 100% CD this weekend!!) and my biggest insight thus far is that this does NOT need to cost you $500+ :)

    Some cheap-ish options:

    - Kawaii does cute, cheap, and highly reviewed pocket diapers in both microfiber & bamboo

    - Kawaii also does prefolds & covers = your cheapest option

    - Sunbaby also does cute & cheap pockets

    - Etsy has lots of nice, orginal designs on your accessory items, like diaper pail liners

    -You can make your own laundry detergent out of washing soda, borax, and oxyclean 

    We bought one of 3 different kinds, experimented over a couple of weekends and then made the big investment in a full stash. We're starting off with one pail liner, one wet bag, and 1 roll of liners. We'll add more accessories as needed.  

    This!  We spend about $350, have enough to wash every other day, a year's worth of laundry detergent, and extra diaper rash cream and wet bag for my mom's house.  I like PP's idea of buying a couple and experimenting.  I also found watching youtube videos helpful  Lots of moms have posted diaper reviews on there.  I also really like the Kawaii diapers.  They are affordable, really soft, fit baby well, and absorbent!   We have mostly Flips and inserts/prefolds though.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • not to highjack the post but what diaper cream do you use?
  • imageskivt627:
    not to highjack the post but what diaper cream do you use?

    I've used Grandma El's, Earth Mama Angel Baby and coconut oil. CJs Butter is also popular, but I've never tried it. Luckily, diaper rash hasn't been too much of an issue.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • If your just trying to save money, prefolds and covers are they way to go.

    For a Newborn you would need 36 prefolds and about 6 covers. Less prefolds for older babies. You would also need at least 1 snappi or boingo or set of pins. You could buy all you need for under 250.

    If you want to get fancy/ don't mind spending a little more I loved my NB AIO's I used 14, did laundry about every other day, and spent about 175. Then I filled in my bigger stash with a variety of pockets and AIO's. I have some OS and some sized diapers right now my DD has been wearing her bigger diapers since she was 2 months old and I have 10 (out of about 30-ish) that will need to be replaced because they are sized. That combined with the 4/5 orders for shower and baby gifts I haven't even spent 500...

    PS I use CJ's, CA Baby, and Burts for rash creme. I love CJ's 

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