Hi ladies! I just got a call from my OB's office asking if I had my lab slip for my blood work. Ummmmm no? She said I will need to go to the hospital Saturday for B/W. (my RCS is Monday)
I don't recall doing this with my first, but it was scheduled with him. Anyone know what the b/w is for? I am assuming anemia would be one thing since I have to take 2 iron pills a day. But what else?
TIA! Christina ??
Re: Pre-OP Blood Work?
With DS my water broke a week prior I my c/s so I went in at 2:30 am. I remember them taking blood then, it must have been for this reason, I just never knew.
Thanks again : I can't wait to not have to give blood every few weeks. Lol!
BFP #2 12/31/2010 (EDD 9/1/11) -- Natrual m/c 1/9/10
BFP #3 12/20/2011 - EDD 8/25/12
u/s 1/6/12 - HB & beautiful bean
A/S 4/2 - It's a Girl!!!
RCS on 8/20/12
type and screen (for blood transfusion in case of emergency)
CBC to check your hematocrit pre op
and coags usually - make sure you are clotting properly so you don't bleed out!
All standard for any major surgery.
I had them done upon admission when I was in labor, so when I needed a c section I actually requested to see my labs in advance because I am a dork and I was curious what my hematocrit was pre op so I had a method of comparison.
DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d