
Pre-OP Blood Work?

Hi ladies!  I just got a call from my OB's office asking if I had my lab slip for my blood work.  Ummmmm no? She said I will need to go to the hospital Saturday for B/W.  (my RCS is Monday)

I don't recall doing this with my first, but it was scheduled with him.  Anyone know what the b/w is for? I am assuming anemia would be one thing since I have to take 2 iron pills a day.  But what else?

TIA!  Christina ??

BFP #1 2/8/2008 - Evan born 10/3/2008 via c/s @ 38wks
BFP #2 12/31/2010 (EDD 9/1/11) -- Natrual m/c 1/9/10
BFP #3 12/20/2011 - EDD 8/25/12
u/s 1/6/12 - HB & beautiful bean
A/S 4/2 - It's a Girl!!!
RCS on 8/20/12
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Re: Pre-OP Blood Work?

  • As far as I know, my pre-op blood tests were the standard CBC.  I didn't have to get it done ahead of time.  It was drawn soon after I was admitted to the hospital for the scheduled c-section.  My blood work showed that my platelet count was under 100,000.  Although the anesthesiologist had already gone over the risks, he returned and went through a few more risks because of the low platelet count. 
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  • Yes, it's standard to do pre-op blood work. It will HELP speed up the process for your c-section if you do it the day or 2 before. I have always done ithe day before. That way, I don't have to come in 2 hours before my c-section and wait around for them to prep me. I find it easier that way.
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  • I had to do the same with DS, and will have to do it again this time.  My doc wants me to go in the day before.  There's standard CBC stuff, and then my hospital takes a vial for matching to donor blood in the case of an emergency.
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  • Good to know!! Thanks do much!
    With DS my water broke a week prior I my c/s so I went in at 2:30 am. I remember them taking blood then, it must have been for this reason, I just never knew.
    Thanks again : I can't wait to not have to give blood every few weeks. Lol!
    BFP #1 2/8/2008 - Evan born 10/3/2008 via c/s @ 38wks
    BFP #2 12/31/2010 (EDD 9/1/11) -- Natrual m/c 1/9/10
    BFP #3 12/20/2011 - EDD 8/25/12
    u/s 1/6/12 - HB & beautiful bean
    A/S 4/2 - It's a Girl!!!
    RCS on 8/20/12
    BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • My office does blood work at 36wks for all patients so I didn't have to do any more blood work before hand.
    BFP 12/23/07, M/C 1/25/08 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • type and screen (for blood transfusion in case of emergency)

    CBC to check your hematocrit pre op

    and coags usually - make sure you are clotting properly so you don't bleed out!

    All standard for any major surgery.

    I had them done upon admission when I was in labor, so when I needed a c section I actually requested to see my labs in advance because I am a dork and I was curious what my hematocrit was pre op so I had a method of comparison.

    b/w=FSH 15.6, AMH 0.4 surprise natural BFP on 3/12/11
    DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d


  • I had a sort of emergency/planned cs. I had a days notice. I had to be at the hospital 2 hours BEFORE my cs to get blood work done. Totally normal.
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