I haven't truly had time to be active on these boards since the baby arrived, but I'd like to change that now. One of my more pressing questions isn't something I'm stressing over but would like some advice.
My 7.5mo old baby refuses all food. He's a healthy weight, breastfed boy.
The first time I tried to feed him at just before the 6 month mark, things went swimmingly...but he's aggressively turned down everything since. He refuses to even try. I've tried a variety of taste, textures, pureed/whole-soft/puffs, homemade and store bought. I've let him "explore" on his own, even, thinking he may rather self feed.
The pedi was pushing for me to introduce food at 4 mos. I'm hearing some moms say waiting for up to a year is fine. I don't want to wait necesarily but would like to knowif there is anything else I should do that I haven't tried.
Re: LO not interested in food
I don't post much either...
But I have to say I'd give the side-eye to a Pedi who was pushing food that early. Isn't that kind of outdated advice?
I have one baby who LOVES to eat, and one who isn't very interested. They are both happy and healthy so I'm not worried about it. Personally I wouldn't force it yet.