
Article: I wish my mother had aborted me

I stole this from CE&P.  Thoughts?

I wish my mother had aborted me

This is no 'I wish I'd never been born' howl of angst. I love my mother, and having an abortion would have given her a better life

If there is one thing that anti-choice activists do that makes me see red, it is when they parade out their poster children: men, women and children who were "targeted for abortion". They tell us "these people would not be alive today if abortion had been legal or if their mothers had made a different choice".

In the last couple of months, I have read two of these abortion deliverance stories that have been particularly offensive. The first story is one propagated by Rebecca Kiessling, the poster child for the no exceptions in cases of rape or incest. On her website Kiessling says that every time we say abortion should be allowed, at least in the case of rape or incest, we are saying to her: "If I had my way, you'd be dead right now." She goes on to say, "I absolutely would have been aborted if it had been legal in Michigan when I was an unborn child, and I can tell you that it hurts [when people say that abortion should be legal]."

The second story was on the Good Men Project this week. In an article entitled Delivered from abortion: healing a forgotten memory, Gordon Dalbey tells a highly unlikely story about his mother's decision to abort him and her eventual change of heart. I say the story is highly unlikely because the type of abortion he says his mother was about to have was not available until 50 years later. However, Dalbey claims to have recovered a memory of being "delivered" from the abortion because as a fetus he cried out to God. He claims that the near-abortion experience had caused him psychological suffering throughout his life. Since recovering the memory, he has experienced survivor's guilt because he was saved when so many other fetuses have been aborted. In explaining how he overcame this guilt, he quotes a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust who says that the purpose of surviving is to testify to the experience.

What makes these stories so infuriating to me is that they are emotional blackmail. As readers or listeners, we are almost forced by these anti-choice versions of A Wonderful Life to say, "Oh, I am so glad you were born." And then by extension, we are soon forced into saying, "Yes, of course, every blastula of cells should be allowed to develop into a human being."

Stories like Dalbey's are probably effective because they follow the same model. First there is a woman facing the unplanned pregnancy that poses severe problems. In Dalbey's case, his family is suffering from extreme poverty, and in the case of Kiessling, her mother is dealing with the aftermath of rape. The story shifts so that the mother has a divine or moral enlightenment and knows that she must carry the baby to term. We are left with an adult praising the bravery of their mothers and testifying that their lives were saved for some higher purpose. But the story goes on to tell us how even the contemplation of abortion was horribly scarring for the person. The moral of these stories is clear: considering abortion is like considering genocide.

Here is why it is so effective: people freak out when you tell an opposing story. I make even my most ardent pro-choice friends and colleagues very uncomfortable when I explain why my mother should have aborted me. Somehow they confuse the well-considered and rational: "The best choice for both my mother and me would have been abortion" with the infamous expression of depression and angst: "I wish I had never been born." The two are really very different things, and we must draw that distinction clearly.

The narrative that anti-choice crusaders are telling is powerful, moving, and best of all it has a happy ending. It makes the woman who carries to term a hero, and for narrative purposes it hides her maternal failing. We cannot argue against heroic, redemptive, happy-ending fairytales using cold statistics. If we want to keep our reproductive rights, we must be willing to tell our stories, to be willing and able to say, "I love my life, but I wish my mother had aborted me."

An abortion would have absolutely been better for my mother. An abortion would have made it more likely that she would finish high school and get a college education. At college in the late 1960s, it seems likely she would have found feminism or psychology or something that would have helped her overcome her childhood trauma and pick better partners. She would have been better prepared when she had children. If nothing else, getting an abortion would have saved her from plunging into poverty. She likely would have stayed in the same socioeconomic strata as her parents and grandparents who were professors. I wish she had aborted me because I love her and want what is best for her.

Abortion would have been a better option for me. If you believe what reproductive scientists tell us, that I was nothing more than a conglomeration of cells, then there was nothing lost. I could have experienced no consciousness or pain. But even if you discount science and believe I had consciousness and could experience pain at six gestational weeks, I would chose the brief pain or fear of an abortion over the decades of suffering I endured.

An abortion would have been best for me because there is no way that my love-starved, trauma-addled mother could have ever put me up for adoption. It was either abortion or raising me herself, and she was in no position to raise a child. She had suffered a traumatic brain injury, witnessed and experienced severe domestic violence, and while she was in grade school she was raped by a stranger and her mother committed suicide. She was severely depressed and suicidal, had an extremely poor support system, was experiencing an unplanned pregnancy that resulted from coercive sex, and she was so young that her brain was still undeveloped.

With that constellation of factors, there was a very high statistical probability that my mother would be an abusive parent, that we would spend the rest of our lives in crushing poverty, and that we would both be highly vulnerable to predatory organisations and men. And that is exactly what happened. She abused me, beating me viciously and often. We lived in bone-crushing poverty, and our little family became a magnet for predatory men and organisations. My mother found minimal support in a small church, and became involved with the pastor who was undeniably schizophrenic, narcissistic and sadistic. The abuse I endured was compounded by deprivation. Before the age of 14, I had never been to a sleepover, been allowed to talk to a friend on the phone, eaten in a restaurant, watched a television show, listened to the radio, read a non-Christian book, or even worn a pair of jeans.

If this were an anti-choice story, this is the part where I would tell you how I overcame great odds and my life now has special meaning. I would ask you to affirm that, of course, you are happy I was born, and that the world would be a darker, poorer place without me.

It is true that in the past 12 years, I have been able to rise above the circumstances of my birth and build a life that I truly love. But no one should have to make such a Herculean struggle for simple normalcy. Even given the happiness and success I now enjoy, if I could go back in time and make the choice for my mother, it would be abortion.

The world would not be a darker or poorer place without me. Actually, in terms of contributions to the world, I am a net loss. Everything that I have done ? including parenting, teaching, researching, and being a loving partner ? could have been done as well, if not better by other people. Any positive contributions that I have made are completely offset by what it has cost society to help me overcome the disadvantages and injuries of my childhood to become a functional and contributing member of society.

It is not easy to say, "I wish my mother had aborted me." The right would have us see abortion as women acting out of cowardice, selfishness, or convenience. But for many women, like my mother, abortion would be an inconvenient act of courage and selflessness. I am sad for both of us that she could not find the courage and selflessness. But my attitude is that as long as I am already here, I might as well do all I can to make the world a better place, to ease the suffering of others, and to experience love and life to its fullest.


Re: Article: I wish my mother had aborted me

  • Wow. That was incredibly well written.

    This is my siggy. Love it.

  • Wow...that was really interesting and really well-written. Thank you for posting
    A woman's life is nine parts mess to one part magic, you'll learn that soon enough...and the parts that look like magic turn out to be the messiest of all.
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  • That definitely made me think about this debate in a different light.  Unfortunately, it also made me think about how my mother's life would have been better without me, as she was a teenage mother.  Something I hadn't thought of before.

     ETA- I am in no way implying that my mother abused me; she did not.

  • I am prochoice but the article made me feel uncomfortable for some reason. I am grateful my mom chose to keep me. I was an oops and my parents were not ready for me. I always said that if I'd have an oops I would keep him/her to pay it forward. Of course, I think it's up to the individual to figure out what's best.

    I understand that woman had a tough life, but there was something weird about how she phrased things. She focused a lot on the difference between wishing you were never born and wishing you were aborted.
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • Um ok. There are definitely people out there that shouldn't have had children. Recognizing that about people isn't a unique thought. It takes guts to vocalize about your own parent though. 
  • I think we should spend more time promoting adoption.
  • Like pp said, that was a very well written article. 

    I was also an unplanned pregnancy and it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all.  If my mother had aborted me I'd be none the wiser.

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  • Interesting read.  The dude that claims to remember his mother considering abortion when he was a fetus is laughably insane.  How scary that there are probably people out there who believe that nonsense.
  • imagelittlemermaid:
    I think we should spend more time promoting adoption.



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  • imageCoffeeBeen:
    Like pp said, that was a very well written article.nbsp; I was also an unplanned pregnancy and it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all.nbsp; If my mother had aborted me I'd be none the wiser.

    All of this.

    C is 3 years old

  • Well written. Great article for abortion. I absolutely think it's the right choice for certain women in certain situations.
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  • imageCTGirl30:

    This was very well written and actually gave me the chills toward the end.

    I see what fredalina is saying in terms of the dangerous path potential here from this perspective speaking in terms of the "negative worth" she's had in society to get to a point of adulthood normalcy but on the other hand she's not speaking in sweeping generalizations for other adults who might have been aborted - in her experience, in her childhood, with her mother, in her life - all the odds were stacked against her and them from the very beginning. People often speak of adoption being the ultimate sacrifice one can give. I think, in some cases, abortion can be, too. Because as much as we like to paint a rosy picture re: adoption, it's not always the wonderful end to the story of an unintended pregnancy that people might like it to be. I have an adopted cousin and he struggled very much (to the point of a suicide attempt) once it was revealed to him that he was, indeed, adopted. It's been a rough last few years for him and my aunt & uncle to reconcile this and some other issues they've had a family unit.


    Agreed. My uncle and aunt adopted a child who was 4 at the time. He also had a suicide attempt and struggled with depression. He eventually ran away from home at 18 to go live with his drug addicted bio parents at 19. My uncle had a nervous breakdown shortly after.

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  • My pastor posted this yesterday and asked for prayers for her. I think it's incredibly sad. I don't know why she's here, but I hope she finds her purpose one day.
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  • imageMrsCodeMonkey:
    I am prochoice but the article made me feel uncomfortable for some reason. I am grateful my mom chose to keep me. I was an oops and my parents were not ready for me. I always said that if I'd have an oops I would keep him/her to pay it forward. Of course, I think it's up to the individual to figure out what's best. I understand that woman had a tough life, but there was something weird about how she phrased things. She focused a lot on the difference between wishing you were never born and wishing you were aborted.

    To her there is a difference.

    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



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  • imagelittlemermaid:
    I think we should spend more time promoting adoption.

    Cant discuss abortion without someone bringing up adoption. Because the nine months between conception and birth don't really exist!!! Confused

    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



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  • imagefredalina:
    I've never been accused of overthinking anything :P. But you can't or shouldn't counter an emotional plea of "if abortion had been legal I wouldn't have been born" with "my mother would have been better off if she'd aborted me". Which opens up too many doors of "what ifs" for me. Like some PPs said, I really don't know that the author's mother's life WOULD have been better without a baby; sounds like she had some mental health issues. And then people like my sister who claim having their baby saved their life she was heading down a bad road and having a baby as a single mom made her be responsible, etc. It just doesn't make sense to me to counter emotions with emotions.

    Why not?  The former is implying that families are better off not aborting, the latter is simply responding "Ummm, no."  Even though the specifics may be foggy, there is a surplus of evidence to support the fact that women are better off not being teen moms.  Agreed, we don't know what she would have done, but we know that statistically speaking she would have been better off.

    I agree it's not the end of the argument, in fact I HATE anecdotes as evidence, but it seems equally valid.  If one what-if argument is ok, then so is the other.

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  • imageSookieFrackhouse68:
    If littlemermaid had done more than skim the article, she'd see adoption wasn't an option in this story, for whatever reason. Intimate details were not given.

    Adoption is ALWAYS an option.

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  • I think she was brave to write this, but as a pp said, how would her mother's life have turned out any different?

    And as for the "I wish I was never born" versus "I wish I was aborted" distinction - I get it. It's like a teenage girl yelling at her mom "my life sucks! I hate you! I wish I was never born!" versus "my mom's life sucked because she had me, I wish she would've aborted me".


    bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!

    beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!

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  • imageSookieFrackhouse68:

    If littlemermaid had done more than skim the article, she'd see adoption wasn't an option in this story, for whatever reason. Intimate details were not given.

    Adoption is ALWAYS an option.

    For you.

    My brother and SIL had to adopt because they couldn't have children of their own and I am grateful to those mothers for going through with those pregnancies and choosing to put them up for adoption so my brother and SIL could have a family of their own.

  • imagefredalina:
    I'm getting both sides of the argument used to disagree with me here. The author makes an emotional case that the mother would have been better off if she had had an abortion, to counter the anti abortion rhetoric "but I wouldn't have been born!" But emotionally it is doubtful that the mother would have been better off, given what little we know of her that seems to indicate significant mental health issues on top of poverty and lack of education. Statistically an argument can be made, but then you can't plead an emotional argument. I can make as valid an emotional argument that consulting a crisis pregnancy center could have led to counseling that could have led to mental health treatment and a better life, no matter which choice she ended up making. But I don't believe women should be forced into counseling either. While I think the author's viewpoint is interesting, it is not compelling to me. And I think Spooko put her finger on it. Utilitarianism is not for me. It isn't about the "best good for the most people" because every person has value and no one should be marginalized.

    I think that's really silly.  There's no rule that says statistics can't lead to emotional responses.  For instance: About 100 women die of breast cancer every day.  That's very sad.

    And yes, you can argue that counseling would have helped - it probably would have.

    I don't understand why recognizing these facts leads to a situation where people will be forced to get an abortion or forced into counseling.  There are many things we do every day that make us better or worse off that no one tries to force upon anyone.  I think it's danger to eliminate an option because forcing that option would be bad.  Just don't force it upon anyone.

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  • imagefredalina:
    The author weighed her contribution to society to the cost to society to help her and her mother to get to the point where they are now, and called it a "net loss". This is very dangerous thinking to weigh a person's potential contributions vs costs. Perhaps those with extreme medical needs should be euthanized because they will not contribute to the "greater good" but will cost society dearly. Perhaps those who have passed the age of contribution should be allowed to die without medical treatments because medicare costs are too burdensome to society. That is an extreme version of the author's thought path and I cannot get on board with that. Every person is valuable even if there is a certain cost to society to help raise them. Utilitarianism and bio ethics at its worst.

    Exactly, don't refute what the author said because you took it to an extreme.  A person could be a "net loss" but still deserve all the support society can afford them.  She's saying ABC and you're saying ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP. 

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  • imageSpooko:

    I may be confusing you with another poster, but aren't you the one that has recently brought up taking the argument to an extreme when talking about logical fallacies and the like to examine them? The process is the same when dealing with other parts of philosophy and ethics.  She's the one that claimed that it's a valid argument to say her mother's happiness and the fact that she deems herself a "net loss" to be worthy of removing her life.  It's completely reasonable to apply that base argument to the grand scale and see how it holds up.

    That was me - the previous post was about a generalized claim and I said, no it doesn't apply in cases XYZ.  This post is very specific, if you read the article she doesn't say it would be right for others or anything.  The author of the original text was making a case-specific claim.  And I think abortion is a case-specific issue.  Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

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  • imageSookieFrackhouse68:

    If littlemermaid had done more than skim the article, she'd see adoption wasn't an option in this story, for whatever reason. Intimate details were not given.

    Adoption is ALWAYS an option.

    For you.

    My brother and SIL had to adopt because they couldn't have children of their own and I am grateful to those mothers for going through with those pregnancies and choosing to put them up for adoption so my brother and SIL could have a family of their own.

    And that is so wonderful they were able to adopt, and that those mothers chose that path. Truly.

    That being said, adoption is just not an option for some people in certain situations. If I were raped and became pregnant as a result, I could not carry that child for 9 months and then give them up for adoption. I would love to think I was strong enough to choose that, but I know I am not. And I don't think that should be judgeworthy that it was never an option in that situation, you know?

    And let's not forget about the women for whom, the sheer act of being pregnant for 9 months, is virtually impossible. For some women who may not consider adoption, finances, insurance and jobs may play a huge part in their decision.  If someone makes just enough money to not qualify for aid but not enough to afford insurance, they're screwed.  If they work a job that doesn't allow them time off for appointments (no FMLA) and they risk losing a job for those appointments, they are screwed.  Or what about the women who have a medical condition that doesn't mean their life is in danger if they continue with the pregnancy but it makes them unable to work due to the pain or something similar.  For some people, adoption means surrendering their existence because they can't afford to even BE pregnant.

    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • imagelittlemermaid:

    My brother and SIL had to adopt because they couldn't have children of their own and I am grateful to those mothers for going through with those pregnancies and choosing to put them up for adoption so my brother and SIL could have a family of their own.

    Do you really think the demand for adopted children exceeds the number of pregnancies that are terminated every year?  Because I seriously doubt it.

  • imagefredalina:

    If littlemermaid had done more than skim the article, she'd see adoption wasn't an option in this story, for whatever reason. Intimate details were not given.

    Adoption is ALWAYS an option.

    For you.

    My brother and SIL had to adopt because they couldn't have children of their own and I am grateful to those mothers for going through with those pregnancies and choosing to put them up for adoption so my brother and SIL could have a family of their own.

    And that is so wonderful they were able to adopt, and that those mothers chose that path. Truly.

    That being said, adoption is just not an option for some people in certain situations. If I were raped and became pregnant as a result, I could not carry that child for 9 months and then give them up for adoption. I would love to think I was strong enough to choose that, but I know I am not. And I don't think that should be judgeworthy that it was never an option in that situation, you know?

    And let's not forget about the women for whom, the sheer act of being pregnant for 9 months, is virtually impossible. For some women who may not consider adoption, finances, insurance and jobs may play a huge part in their decision.  If someone makes just enough money to not qualify for aid but not enough to afford insurance, they're screwed.  If they work a job that doesn't allow them time off for appointments (no FMLA) and they risk losing a job for those appointments, they are screwed.  Or what about the women who have a medical condition that doesn't mean their life is in danger if they continue with the pregnancy but it makes them unable to work due to the pain or something similar.  For some people, adoption means surrendering their existence because they can't afford to even BE pregnant.

    I am not saying adoption is right for these women. I am also not saying adoption is a substitute for abortion just as adoption is not a cure for infertility, it is not a cure for unplanned pregnancy. However typically adoption agencies and potential adoptive parents contribute financially in such cases, and agencies help get women covered by Medicaid and public services they qualify regardless of whether they go forward with adoption or decide to parent, or assuming it's early enough, decide to terminate. IrishCoffee is right though that this is a major side track from the article. I just wish adoption weren't always dismissed offhand as if it is not a valid option. It is.

    I don't disagree with you.  I was arguing against the poster who said "Adoption is ALWAYS an option."  It's not.  I DO think it should always be a consideration but in considering it, a woman may find it's not an option for HER, kwim?

    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • imageSpooko:

    I agree that abortion should be case specific, but I didn't get that impression from the author.  In reading it, she came across as trying to combat the prolife arguments that take a stand saying, "This (life) was good for me and should be good for others in the same circumstances."  In combating it in the way she did, by offering the opposite story, I think it's fair to say she's trying to make the same argument, "This (abortion) would have been good for me and for others in the same situation." Within her specific story, case-specific as you said, she makes wider, utilitarian statements that I just can't get behind.

    Hmm, I thought that she was like "This would have been good for me, so it should be an option."  Maybe I skimmed too much?  Regardless of what she says, I think that should be the attitude, people shouldn't be pushed one way or the other, it should just be an option so that they can figure out if it's best for them.

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  • imageCoffeeBeen:

    I agree that abortion should be case specific, but I didn't get that impression from the author.  In reading it, she came across as trying to combat the prolife arguments that take a stand saying, "This (life) was good for me and should be good for others in the same circumstances."  In combating it in the way she did, by offering the opposite story, I think it's fair to say she's trying to make the same argument, "This (abortion) would have been good for me and for others in the same situation." Within her specific story, case-specific as you said, she makes wider, utilitarian statements that I just can't get behind.

    Hmm, I thought that she was like "This would have been good for me, so it should be an option."  Maybe I skimmed too much?  Regardless of what she says, I think that should be the attitude, people shouldn't be pushed one way or the other, it should just be an option so that they can figure out if it's best for them.


    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



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  • imagefredalina:

    I think we should spend more time promoting adoption.

    Cant discuss abortion without someone bringing up adoption. Because the nine months between conception and birth don't really exist!!! Confused

    No, because adoption is a valid option.

    Adoption is an alternative to raising the baby yourself; it is not a valid alternative for someone who, regardless of reasons, does not want to be or cannot continue to be pregnant in the first place.

    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



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  • imageelmoali:

    If littlemermaid had done more than skim the article, she'd see adoption wasn't an option in this story, for whatever reason. Intimate details were not given.

    Adoption is ALWAYS an option.

    For you.

    My brother and SIL had to adopt because they couldn't have children of their own and I am grateful to those mothers for going through with those pregnancies and choosing to put them up for adoption so my brother and SIL could have a family of their own.

    And that is so wonderful they were able to adopt, and that those mothers chose that path. Truly.

    That being said, adoption is just not an option for some people in certain situations. If I were raped and became pregnant as a result, I could not carry that child for 9 months and then give them up for adoption. I would love to think I was strong enough to choose that, but I know I am not. And I don't think that should be judgeworthy that it was never an option in that situation, you know?

    And let's not forget about the women for whom, the sheer act of being pregnant for 9 months, is virtually impossible. For some women who may not consider adoption, finances, insurance and jobs may play a huge part in their decision.  If someone makes just enough money to not qualify for aid but not enough to afford insurance, they're screwed.  If they work a job that doesn't allow them time off for appointments (no FMLA) and they risk losing a job for those appointments, they are screwed.  Or what about the women who have a medical condition that doesn't mean their life is in danger if they continue with the pregnancy but it makes them unable to work due to the pain or something similar.  For some people, adoption means surrendering their existence because they can't afford to even BE pregnant.

    I am not saying adoption is right for these women. I am also not saying adoption is a substitute for abortion just as adoption is not a cure for infertility, it is not a cure for unplanned pregnancy. However typically adoption agencies and potential adoptive parents contribute financially in such cases, and agencies help get women covered by Medicaid and public services they qualify regardless of whether they go forward with adoption or decide to parent, or assuming it's early enough, decide to terminate. IrishCoffee is right though that this is a major side track from the article. I just wish adoption weren't always dismissed offhand as if it is not a valid option. It is.

    I don't disagree with you.  I was arguing against the poster who said "Adoption is ALWAYS an option."  It's not.  I DO think it should always be a consideration but in considering it, a woman may find it's not an option for HER, kwim?

    The definition of option is "the power or freedom to choose."  Every woman has the opportunity to choose adoption or abortion, especially in this country.  Whether a woman CHOOSES that option is a whole different story.

  • imagelittlemermaid:

    If littlemermaid had done more than skim the article, she'd see adoption wasn't an option in this story, for whatever reason. Intimate details were not given.

    Adoption is ALWAYS an option.

    For you.

    My brother and SIL had to adopt because they couldn't have children of their own and I am grateful to those mothers for going through with those pregnancies and choosing to put them up for adoption so my brother and SIL could have a family of their own.

    So a woman in ill health or little to no finances or insurance who becomes pregnant should suffer through a painful, expensive, and possibly deadly pregnancy so that other couples can adopt? Okay, I mean really who cares if she might not be able to have kids again in the future or if giving birth to a baby she wont keep may result in her existing children no longer having a mother.

    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



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  • I read it again and still don't understand why this article is so intriguing or has anything to do with the abortion debate. Plenty of people planned to have a family, were horrible parents that screw up their children. Legal abortion is not going to stop that unless someone invents a time machine. 
  • imageBostonKisses2:

    Interesting read.  The dude that claims to remember his mother considering abortion when he was a fetus is laughably insane.  How scary that there are probably people out there who believe that nonsense.

    Yep.  I'm disgusted that he used a Holocaust comparison to back up his argument. 

    Also, he's just a GD liar.  No, dude, you do not remember when your mother attempted to abort you.  What an assh*le.

  • imagefredalina:

    I think we should spend more time promoting adoption.

    Cant discuss abortion without someone bringing up adoption. Because the nine months between conception and birth don't really exist!!! Confused

    No, because adoption is a valid option.

    Adoption is an alternative to raising the baby yourself; it is not a valid alternative for someone who, regardless of reasons, does not want to be or cannot continue to be pregnant in the first place.

    Just because it isn't right for everyone or in every situation doesn't mean it isn't valid and worthy of discussion.

    Meh, after seeing a couple of your other comments, I think you and I are arguing semantics and have the same base viewpoint.

    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



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  • imageKlondikeBar:
    I read it again and still don't understand why this article is so intriguing or has anything to do with the abortion debate. Plenty of people planned to have a family, were horrible parents that screw up their children. Legal abortion is not going to stop that unless someone invents a time machine.

    To me it's not as much about the abortion debate as it is about the "way in which abortion is debated". Anti-choice fighters have long used emotionally charged testimonies from "survivors" of a mother who considered abortion.  The author is simply arguing that those that are pro-choice could make some pretty emotional pleas as well to why an abortion would have been much better than the lives they were forced to live. I think it illustrates why the debate should focus on science and facts, not on religious or emotional ideals.

    This is my siggy. Love it.

  • imageoverture:
    Do you really think the demand for adopted children exceeds the number of pregnancies that are terminated every year?  Because I seriously doubt it.

    There is a lot of unmet demand for healthy babies in the US for adoption. Foreign adoption numbers have crashed in the past decade for a combination of reasons.

    Of course, the number of abortions performed per year greatly exceeds that unmet demand. Which goes to show we're not doing enough in terms of education and access to b.c..
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
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