This girl on my news feed just posted a bunch of pictures of her dog and the puppies that were just born today. Some one commented, "OMG they're so cuuute I want one!" then the girl responded, "They're for sale, $1000 each."
Now, she's not a breeder. These puppies are Doberman Rottweiler (sp?) mix. Is that really what puppies go for? Am I just completely out of the loop on pet selling?
Re: $1000 puppies?
A well bred highly sought after breed? Sure.
A mixed "designer" breed from a backyard breeder? No effing way.
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
That's what I thought. When we got our dogs (pure bred boxer/ pure bred black lab) we only paid re-homing fees which was a couple hundred to cover the shots and stuff. I think she's being ridiculous.
I think she's smoking rocks. Some people on Kijiji post prices like this for mixed breeds, but I think it's ridiculous. Maybe if the dog was a pure bred dog or one of the common desirable mixes.
We only get dogs from rescues (SPCA). $300 for a puppy that has all its vaccines and has the snip? Yes please!
For what is, essentially, a mutt...yes, that is a lot of money. I am so sick of this designer dog trend. It's usually some backyard breeder with a subpar quality purebred that breeds it to another subpar quality purebred. The result is a subpar quality mutt that may or may not exhibit the desireable trait of it's parents (for example, non-shedding poodle trait does not always get inherited when crossing with a lab)
We paid about $1300 total (price + airfare + vet clearance) for our German Wirehair Pointer. However, his parents were champions in the show ring and in the field, plus he had numerous other champions in his bloodline. He was also sold to us as with a limited AKC registration, which means any puppies that he would sire would not be registerable. That's because he was what his breeder considered "pet quality", which means he not considered a perfect breed specimen.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
I would spend this type of money or more on a pure bred, AKC papered dog from a reputable breeder (more so if it's a Bull Dog, Yorkie, or Irish Wolfhound!). Not on a mutt.
While I know about the pro's and con's of adopting from a shelter. My problem is that I was a member of the AKC. So I greatly prefer pure breeds. Plus it usually is very hard to find the breeds I would want in our local shelter. I do not breed dogs and I no longer show dogs. I just am breed picky.
I've only ever had terrible luck with dogs from shelters though. We've adopted a few in my life that have always turned into having issues and destroyed our house (literally, one of them we had to completely re carpet the house since he tore up our carpetting and shredded it). So I am slightly biased.
There is nothing wrong with responsible breeding. Unfortunately there aren't many responsible breeders out there. When I say responsible breeding, I mean a breeder who has spent years researching their chosen breed, researching bloodlines, researching which bloodlines compliment each other, breeding according to the market, vaccinating, deworming and guaranteeing their litters. Responsible breeders improve the breed.
That being said, the girl in the OP selling ther mutt pups for $1000 is nuts. I hate backyard idiots who think it's cool to breed anything with a uterus and don't give a thought to the lives of the animals they produce.
Fees for ours at the Humane Society shelter were around $100 each. B at 10 months was spayed, O at 5 months was not neutered.
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This X a million.
I wouldn't pay that much from a non-breeder for a mixed breed.
Our current (and next) dog is a pure breed English lab. They go for about 1,000. But this breeder is very professional and takes precaution to track her "b!itches" ovulation cycles to make sure she doesn't overbreed her dogs, and also keeps excellent track of the pedigree. Her dogs also win top marks in show (documentation she is very happy to provide). Those are very important factors when selecting a breeder.
So, yes - the price for a good dog is worth it IMO.
But - only from a reputable breeder.
And don't even try to drag me into a "you're killing other dogs that are in shelters by buying a pure breed" debate. I've already had that debate numerous times with my vegetarian PETA buddy.
Also, what Argonne said.
German Pointers are beautiful. I love them. But DH is sold on black labs. (that's what he grew up with).
That seems kind of high for that situation. I looked around recently for a cocker retriever puppy and that is about what they cost. But it seems this is a somewhat rare mix and harder to find.
I agree, for the most part. My BFF has bought two from breeders but they are the non-allergenic kind (I forget the name - the huge ones) because her DH is allergic. And her parents get Vizlas, because he's a hunter. So if there's a specific purpose besides just having a lovable pet, I can see it, otherwise I wouldn't pay four figures for one when so many need good homes.
Given 10,000 dogs a day are euthanized in this country - many in gas chambers and heartstick facilities, I could never 'buy' a dog.
If you are leery of walking into a shelter and picking one, try a rescue. Many rescues are foster based so you will have first hand knowledge from a family that's lived with the dog on how he/she behaves when not in a cage. And you'll be able to most likely find out how the animal does with other dogs, cats, kids, etc.
DD2 11.17.08