New to The Bump


 I am new here. Just stopping in to say hello.  I am intending on actively "trying" beginning first of next year , but we are not "preventing" either.  That being said we were rather active this recent cycle. now im nervous and not sure what to think. I estimate (per ovulation calculator i been using since march) i am 4dpo. Already i feel "weird" my nipples are overly sensitive/painful, also having slight pain/cramps in my pelvic area...   anyone opinions???
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Re: Newbie!!

  • imageAmbsies:

    You're experiencing phantom symptoms because you're focusing too much on your body.  If you're far enough along to have pregnancy symptoms then you're far enough along to get a + HPT.  But seeing as it takes 7-10 dpo for implantation to occur I would definitely say it's too early.

    Who knows, maybe this is your month.  You'll know in a couple weeks!


    This. Also, you may not be truly 4 DPO, if you are not tracking your temps, and or CM, then your calculator may not be accurate, have you checked out Fertility Friend(FF), or Taking Charge of your fertility?  I was using a period tracker too, but after coming on here, and lurking around, and checking out FF, I have decided to chart, and hopefully know more about my cycle to better time sex.

    Good luck getting your BFP! 

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