How are/did you get your newborns to nap?
I feel like I can't get the whole drowsy but awake thing down. The
few times I've tried he just starts crying after a few mins of being
down or starts busting out of the swaddle.
And if my toddler is around then I just don't have the time, so I
either end up wearing the newborn in a carrier or he falls asleep in the
car if we are out and about. But then usually doesn't stay asleep very
long once the car stops.
Can you tell me about the how your newborn slept in the beginning? He just doesn't seem to be one of those babies who will fall asleep in the bouncy chair or swing, etc.
Re: XP: Newborn Naps
The first 5 weeks he just passed out whenever. Then at 6 weeks he stopped doing that. So I had to put him down for a nap. I put him down drowsy but a wake. I highly recommend it. It is the key to good night sleep. This will save your sanity. If it is really hard, work toward it. Put baby down more and more asleep each time. Put your toddler in a high chair w/ a snack. Right now is survival time. It will get easier. promise.
ETA: DS2 naps on the go now sometimes, but I think it is really good to do some napping at home w/ a routine. DS2 started sttn at 10 weeks, DS1 at 17 months!! And probably maybe DS2 is just an easier baby. Who knows.