DS is 21 mos and was diagnosed with a mild dairy allergy about a month ago. Any dairy at this point will cause diarrhea within one to two hours and he has not gained weight on his growth curve as a result.
He still breastfeeds two to three times a day but I would like to wean him soon. I asked his pedi about nutrition since he can not have dairy but she was rather vague. I am concerned about calcium, protein and fat and want to make sure that he is getting everything he needs. Are their any good websites or books that could help me figure all of this out?
He has been drinking coconut milk which is a good source of fat and I am trying to get him to eat more meat. The doctor recommended fortified juice for calcium but I don?t want to give him sweet drinks unless it is necessary.
DH is allergic eggs so cooking and eating out have always been challenging and I am used to checking labels.
Thanks so much for reading. Any advice would be appreciated.
Re: Intro and question
Is your DS allergic to the lactose or the milk protein? I had a lot if allergies growing up and I am still allergic to milk. My suggestion to you would be find a GOOD allergist and get him tested if he hasn't been already. Also I don't know where you live but Johns Hopkins in Baltimore has a wonderful allergy clinic and they have a egg and milk desensitization program, you can atleast check it out online and have something to talk to the allergist about. Good luck!!!