Late Term and Child Loss

Something for you to look forward to.... (ticker warning)

Three years ago today, I delivered our little baby girl sleeping. As each year has passed, the pain has become much more manageable.. Of course, we will never not feel the loss and our love for our first little girl. 
I want you to know how time has affected our healing process. This year - no tears. No dreading this week to come. No anticipation of depression or sorrow. I'm okay - in fact, I am good. I bet I have thought about today in past week all of maybe 5 times....? Last year, it still hurt. This year I think I have a since of acceptance. It has been a long and painful road to get here - but there is light at the end of the tunnel, ladies. I can see pregnant ladies (even when I am one) I don't' get hurt. When I hold a baby, I enjoy it. 
Time ladies. I know it is tough to get through - but in the end you will be better.
Take care of you all.

Re: Something for you to look forward to.... (ticker warning)

  • Thanks for sharing, Roxy. Happy birthday to your sweet Haleigh Mae!

      Our Angel Patricia born sleeping 3/30/12 at 31 weeks
    Our Fighter Anna born early 1/8/13 at 26 weeks
    Hoping to bring home #3 due 9/9/15
  • It is so beautiful that you can find peace on you sweet little girl's birthday.  I worry a lot about these special days and how they will feel for me.  I hope with time I can maybe find some acceptance as well.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

    BFP #1 Jan. 2011 - mmc Mar. 2011 
    BFP #2 Aug. 2011 - My sleeping angel Stella, born April 21, 2012 
    BFP #3 Nov. 2012 - mmc Dec. 2012
    BFP #4 April 2013 - mc May 2013
    BFP #5 Sept. 2013 - EDD 5.24.14
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  • Thank you for sharing this with us. I look forward to a day that the pain of losing my daughter is not so prevalent. Happy birthday to your sweet Haleigh Mae.

    BFP #1 12.24.07 - DD born @ 39w1d on 08.26.08
    BFP #2 08.04.11 - DD born still @ 37w3d on 03.25.12

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


    TTC #3 since May 2012

    BFP #3 12.29.12 - CP @ 4w2d on 01.02.13
    BFP #4 10.17.13 - CP @ 4w2d on 10.23.13

    BFP #5 04.06.14 - MMC 05.07.14

    No longer trying to conceive.

    image     image

  • Thanks for posting. I have to admit, I can't imagine this feeling lasting for 3 years. It scares me a lot. But it is nice to know that life will go on.
    Baby Boy born sleeping at 20 weeks.
  • imageILoveRedVino:
     I have to admit, I can't imagine this feeling lasting for 3 years. It scares me a lot.

    This is what gives me so much anxiety - feeling so sad for such a long time, and never feeling normal again.  I know the intensity of the pain will be less, but I fear the sadness will always be there.   

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

    BFP #1 Jan. 2011 - mmc Mar. 2011 
    BFP #2 Aug. 2011 - My sleeping angel Stella, born April 21, 2012 
    BFP #3 Nov. 2012 - mmc Dec. 2012
    BFP #4 April 2013 - mc May 2013
    BFP #5 Sept. 2013 - EDD 5.24.14
  • imageBayberry12:

     I have to admit, I can't imagine this feeling lasting for 3 years. It scares me a lot.

    This is what gives me so much anxiety - feeling so sad for such a long time, and never feeling normal again.  I know the intensity of the pain will be less, but I fear the sadness will always be there.   

    Its different with time, ladies. It isn't the first/last thought in AM/PM after a while. You learn to live again. You learn that laughing and enjoying life again is ok. You learn to be you once more. As the years go by, there may be days that you don't think about it at all. The sense of loss will never go away. Those little foot prints leave too much of an impact on our hearts for that... But the pain doesn't really hurt like it does in the beginning. At this point, I only cry maybe every 4 months - maybe even every 6 and it takes an event to bring it out. I don't get sad just thinking of my daughter, she puts a smile on my face instead. 

  • Thank you so much for coming back to share this.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • Happy Birthday to your sweet baby girl, Roxy! Thanks for sharing.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Happy (belated) birthday Haleigh Mae! 

    I am glad you had a good day. Thanks for sharing and hugs to you! 

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers


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