Maryland Babies

Fantastic Mosquito Repellant

The mosquitoes where we live are relentless & everywhere.  It had gotten so bad this summer that we told our son that he couldn't play outside on our deck.  (He would come in absolutely COVERED in bites in spite of citronella candles & natural repellant).  My husband surprised me w/flowers on his way home from work two Fridays ago and noticed at the counter that they had bug repellant called, "no-bite-me." He decided to buy some and it works wonderfully.  Since we have bought it, my son has only had two mosquito bites and that was because we didn't put any under his shirt at the waistline.  I have seen mosquitoes land on his clothes but steer clear of his skin.  It says that it also works for fleas, black flies and ticks, but I can't comment on that aspect.  Just thought that I would share.

This is where he purchased it:
Willow Oak Flower and Herb Farm
8109 Telegraph Road Severn, MD 21144
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Re: Fantastic Mosquito Repellant

  • Might have to look into this. We've used Bug bands with great success on our mostly wooded wet lot.
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  • TFS! The girls and I have terrible reactions to mosquito bites. Poor London is covered in bites from being outside for less than 15 minutes on Sunday.



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