Sorry if this is a dumb question.
The u/s tech we saw told me a c-section would be much harder because both babies have anterior placentas. My OB has told me I have a slim change of vaginal delivery due to pre-existing medical issues and it would most likely be too stressful on my body. I have tried dr. google (it scared me) and even thought about calling my OB and asking what that means but I feel absolutely crazy doing that. I am trying to write this off as don't listen to the u/s tech especially when she is muttering completely useless vague statements but here we are a few days later and it is still in the front of my mind.
Did any of you ladies have two anterior placentas and did it change anything about your pregnancy, c-section or anything other than feeling movement later?
Re: FTM-Anterior Placenta question
My placentas were both anterior with my girls. They never mentioned any concerns about it. Like you mentioned, I did feel movement much later. I did have a c-section because of position, they never quite got the whole head down thing : ). I agree Dr. Google is very scary!
Thank ladies. The only information I could find was about hemorrhaging during the c-section due to the placenta being in the way (hence why dr. google is scary). I am confident though if my OB is aware they are both anterior we won't have any issues.
Thank you all for making me less worried with your answers. ys better to hear it from someone who has been there. I feel like I can now wait until my next appointment next week to ask the dr. Thanks again!
06/12 - BFP!!!!
Beta #1 15dpo - 256
Beta #2 18dpo - 1097
6wk U/S on 07/02 ~ TWINS!!!
EDD 02/21/13
09/10/12 Found out it's two Boys!!!! Sam and Jake
Jacob and Samuel born 1/29/13 at 36 weeks.
My boys had one shared anterior placenta. It didn't pose any issues with my c-section. I even asked my OB about this right before the surgery and she wasn't even concerned about it. I felt movement after 20 weeks and after 22 weeks it was constant. There was only one area that I rarely felt much which was my lower right side which must have been where the placenta laid. The placenta was the issue with my pregnancy complications, but it wasn't because it was anterior
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