December 2010 Moms

Still in Crib

I apologize if this has already been posted, but I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one with a toddler still in a crib.

We haven't moved Nate into a toddler bed yet, because he sleeps so great in his crib, doesn't climb out or even jump in it. He just seems comfortable in it. People keep asking if we've moved him yet, and we haven't. And I'm starting to 2nd guess myself for having him still in a crib.

Anyone else have their LO's still in the crib?

Re: Still in Crib

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    Crib here too. We took the front off for a week, but that was an epic fail & P likes the caged feel I guess.  LOL
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    I feel the same way you do with my son still being in a crib.  He doesn't try to climb out and he seems to enjoy it, so why fix what isn't broke? 

    We are also moving in another month, so it is not the right time for us anyway to make a switch like that.

    I do know several people who have kept their toddler in a crib until 3!  

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    G is still in his crib and I plan on keeping him there as long as possible! He sleeps great and there's no reason to move him as far as I know.  He hasn't tried to climb out yet.  Once he starts doing that I will move him to his toddler bed but until that happens he's staying put.

    Don't feel weird about it.  Our kids are only 1 1/2.  Just do what works best for you.

    Lilypie - (vGZN)

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    G is still in his crib and I plan on keeping him there as long as possible! He sleeps great and there's no reason to move him as far as I know.  He hasn't tried to climb out yet.  Once he starts doing that I will move him to his toddler bed but until that happens he's staying put.

    Don't feel weird about it.  Our kids are only 1 1/2.  Just do what works best for you.

    All of this! 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    We are still in our crib also. We have no plans to move. The only concern is she is in her pack and play at my moms. She is so tall though that I think we are going to have to move her soon. We are there frequently in the summer is there a lot, but during the school year probably one weekend a month and one nap a week. They have a twin bed for her, and I just dreading this transition when it need to happen.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    DD is still in a crib and I am dreading transitioning her out of it.  She sleeps well but tends to toss and turn a lot and I'm afraid she'll roll out of the toddler bed.  (We didn't buy the guard rail and they discontinued this model.
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    We're still in a crib here too.  Until E tries to get out we'll stay there, too.  It's so much easier than having to deal with him getting up and not staying put.
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    We still use a crib. DD was in hers until after she turned 3. We had tried twice before she turned 3 to put her in a toddler bed, but after 1 week of HORRIBLE sleeping, we'd give up and put her back in the crib. When she turned 3, though, the transition went smoothly.

    I'm in the "if it isn't broke, don't fix it" camp. DS is in a crib and will be until he attempts to climb out (which hasn't happened yet). He looooves his crib. 

    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
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    Jericho is, the triplets were until they were 3. If it aint broke don't fix it!
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    Xander, Hayden & Lily 5 1/2 and Jericho 3 My Blog!
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    O is still in a crib. We bought a 2nd crib for G before she was born because I wanted to keep O in one as long as possible. He still sleeps great so I'm not transitioning him until he starts climbing out, fx that won't happen anytime soon. The few times we've tried to put O down for a nap in a bed he thinks it's play time. For him crib=sleepy time.
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    Yay! It's good to know I'm not the only one. :D

    Sometimes it's so hard not to compare your decisions to others. Especially within families.

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    kj07kj07 member
    Crib forever!  Or at least until he starts trying to climb out.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #1 4/14/10. Big B born 12/28/10.

    BFP #2 5/27/12. EDD 2/1/13. m/c and D&C 6/21/12.
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    G is still in his crib and I plan on keeping him there as long as possible! He sleeps great and there's no reason to move him as far as I know.  He hasn't tried to climb out yet.  Once he starts doing that I will move him to his toddler bed but until that happens he's staying put.

    Don't feel weird about it.  Our kids are only 1 1/2.  Just do what works best for you.

    All of this! 


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    Yes, DS is still in his crib & have no plans to convert him to toddler bed anytime soon.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    G is still in his crib and I plan on keeping him there as long as possible! He sleeps great and there's no reason to move him as far as I know.  He hasn't tried to climb out yet.  Once he starts doing that I will move him to his toddler bed but until that happens he's staying put.

    Don't feel weird about it.  Our kids are only 1 1/2.  Just do what works best for you.

    Agreed.  DS loves his crib and if he stays there until he's three, that's fine with me!  Honestly, the idea of him having free range in his room makes me nervous.  He likes opening the drawers to his dresser, so unless I child proof the whole dresser, I'd be walking into clothes all over the room every day.  He also loves his books, and they too would be EVERYWHERE.  The room would be trashed.  That would not make for a happy mama.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    Definitely still in the crib until he begins crawling out. We won't be using a toddler bed as they're an absolute waste of money so once he outgrows the crib, he'll be in a single or full size bed.
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    My boys will be in their cribs until A- they are getting out of their cribs consistantly which makes it a safety hazard.  They both have only gotten out once- and fell out and were scared and crying. or B- we are working on potty training at night.

    I fear the first day/night of big boy beds.

    I know several moms in my MOMS group who had their kids in cribs until they were 3.

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    DS2 is still in a crib too. We won't change him to a toddler bed until he is climbing out. 
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    Crib here too. O won't sleep unless he's caged : we joke that we'll have to put one of those nets on top soon.
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    Same here. Griffin moves around in giant circles while sleeping; I cannot see him staying in a bed at all. Also, I read somewhere that generally speaking, the "optimal" time to move into a toddler bed is typically between 2.5 and 3, because before that, they don't tend to have the self-control to stay put. We'll probably wait until then.
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