For those of you who have already had 1st bday celabrations. What is the your LOs fav new thing? Everyone keeps asking me what to get G and I have no idea. Go to the store like I did and find I have got him tons of clothes. I have told people learning toys, books and he loves cars.
Re: favorite present
Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Smart Screen Laptop:
Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Click n' Learn Remote:
This is Nina's favorite present right now. She likes all the sounds and music.
She also likes the fisher price vacuum.
DS loves his new Cozy Coupe. He likes to climb in it and hang out there. It's def his favorite bday gift.
I have to second the Laugh and Learn House, it wasn't a 1st birthday gift, we've had it since he was about 9 months old. But he LOVES it. One of his favorite toys for sure.
I second eesome's rec on the Fisher Price remote. DD has had that thing since about six months and still loves it.
Her other favorite is her Duplo Lego set. They say they're for age 1-1/2, but we got them around 8 months and she loves them. We build her towers and she knocks them down, and she's just starting to put the blocks together on her own. We did take out the little flower-shaped piece which seems like a choking hazard, but we feel that all the other larger pieces are big enough for her to play with safely.
Great post idea! I will be stalking it!
Hahah, I have been getting the same comments. I want to tell them the same thing! LOL!
It drives me nuts. What do you need? Well diapers and food are you going to buy those for him for his then why the heck ask! Drives me nuts!
Haha, yea the next time someone asks what Annabelle wants for her birthday I'll just say the new Justin Bieber CD!