Baby Names

really gross name on Facebook.

I'd actually rather people just all-out made up names, like Hyelle or Coriah. 

But instead they butcher good names.

Girl named Elliet. 

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Re: really gross name on Facebook.

  • Ugh, all vowels are not interchangeable people! I didn't read that as Elliot at all at first glance...I saw Ellie T. 

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  • That burns my eyes.
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  • imagestrawberrytree:
    Ugh, all vowels are not interchangeable people!  

    Ha, this made me LOl.  so true!


  • That's just so, so very wrong.

  • I really like Elliott...DH vetoed it.

    I don't really like the trend of giving girl boy names. (I lost Quinn that way) I especially don't like it when they butcher them.

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  • ldooldoo member

    Ugh, that bums me out.  Elliott is such a great boys name and I hate seeing it butchered. 

    I so agree. That was my go-to boy's name (but I had two girls). Now everyone is naming their girl that, which is ridiculous. Thank you, Scrubs.

    Even so, though. It's becoming more popular in general, along with the overall Everett, Emmett, etc. trend, so I would likely not use it regardless anymore. :(

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