Hi, I'm going to be a FTM and completely new to cloth diapering. I've been reading reviews on everything and I'm trying to build up my stash as economically as possible.
So far I'm thinking about:
2 Assunta Tiny Diaper Covers + 6 GMD Workhorse Fitted (orange) + 6 GMD small Doublers
5 Kawaii Pure and Natural
5 Alva Newborn (I've read that these fit better on 6-pound babies with the aplix tabs twisted/rolled over)
5 Sunbaby size 1 (A lot of moms in my diaper co-op mentioned that these fit their newborns within 2-3 weeks)
I've also seen some used FB xs on ebay, so I may add 2-4 of those if I don't get overbid.
For the first 2 weeks (until the stump falls off) I will probably use the disposables from my baby shower.
Any thoughts? I'm not due until December so I have a while to change my mind over and over again.
Re: Thoughts on my Hypothetical Newborn Diaper Stash?
How many absorbant things should I have? I can always stock up on more covers and fitteds/prefolds.
Conservatively, I'd say 24 to wash every other day. Prefolds and covers are my favorites with newborns: they are easy to use and really flexible on sizing.
We have around 25 prefolds, 5 covers + 12 pockets + 12 doublers and I plan on doing laundry every other day, hopefully. (I did end up snagging a lot of it used though, so I'm not out a lot of money.)
I love the Thirsties Duo Covers and the Green Mountain Diapers prefolds.
To wash every other day, you'll want 30-36 newborn diapers. Newborns are great at peeing mid diaper change, so some changes you will go through 2-3 diapers before actually getting one on the baby. A dozen prefolds and 1 or 2 more covers would be an inexpensive way to have enough.
Also, don't feel like you'll have to/need to wait until the cord falls off to use your CDs. We used ours right away without any problems. DD's cord fell off at 8 days old.