Cloth Diapering

Leaking through covers- is it time to PL?

I posted recently about how DS is now holding in his pee longer and when it does come out it's a lot at once and he ends up leaking.  I upped absorbency with a mf or hemp insert inside my prefolds but that doesn't always help.  I use prefolds 98% of the time, workhorse fitteds and a hemp insert for overnight.

I suppose it could be compression leaks.  But for a really long time he was waking up not super wet in the morning.  Then once he started leaking through his other diapers his overnights would be soaked but the cover was still fine.  Now he's soaked through the cover in the morning too.  In fact between this and epic poops I'm changing a cover every few hours and having to rinse them each night.

I've tried resealing them on high in the dryer and it didn't make a difference at all, not sure if that was ever a problem.  So, is this a problem with the covers, the absorbency or what?  I'm going to strip today even though I'm not really seeing any signs of repelling and throw the covers in on high again.

I'm on the fence about thinking that he's ready to PL, he doesn't want to sit on the potty for more than a second but he will tell me when he needs to go.  Today he was naked for about an hour while I was drying a cover really fast and he had 2 little pees and said "pee pee" both times and jumped up off the couch.  We didn't make it to the potty but he is aware.  He tells me when he's pooping too.  I don't want to start too early and end up having to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes with him all day long for months.  And I really have no clue how to make him sit and wait at this point.  Toys, songs and books aren't working the few times he's asked to sit and I've tried to encourage him.  But I'm beginning to wonder if the only "fix" for this problem is to PL.

ETA:  Oh, and I'm definitely planning on using wool overnight now too. 

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Re: Leaking through covers- is it time to PL?

  • I'd up your absorbency again. 

    My daughter says "Mommy I peepee!" and "Mommy I pooped!" and yet has no desire to actually go on the potty. From my observations and just knowledge of physical anatomy, 2.5 is really the best time to start potty training.

    (Kids can't control the muscle for when they have to pee until ~24-27 months. So you end up in a situation where when they have to go they have to go immediately.) 

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