My 3 1/2 year old started preschool in January and went 2 mornings a week. She loved it and we love the school. School will start in a couple weeks and we had originally signed her up for 2 mornings, now I'm thinking maybe she should go 3 mornings.
I think she could handle it- she loved school and has missed it, and I think the more time she's there, the more comfortable she'll be. But I don't want to overschedule her- in addition to school she does dance. And honestly cost is a factor- her school is on the expensive side.
I work part time, on the days I work- she's home with her 6 month old sister and a nanny.
What else should I be considering here when making this decision? And what would you do?
Re: trying to decide: school 2 or 3 mornings/wk
When DS1 first started preschool, he went to one at a church that started at 2 years. For the first year (2's) they went 1 day per week, the 3's went 2 days per week, the 4's went 3 days per week. They did this to build them up for K. All days were from 9:00-11:30.
We're now sending him to the YMCA preschool (super cheap and he really enjoys it). They have a 2 day, 3 day, and 5 day per week option. We liked the idea of the first preschool building him up so we signed him up for MWF last year and this year we'll send him M-F. Their classes are from 9:00-12:00. I can definitely tell that DS1 needs to be challenged more than he is right now.
When does your DD start K, is it 1/2 day or full day? Our K is full day (no option for 1/2 day) so I wanted him at least used to going daily 1/2 days this year since he'll start K next year. Can you change her schedule later? Are there things she would miss out on at school going only 2 days or things she would miss out on at home if she went 3 days?
My girls are summer babies, so they started 3 year old preschool last August, right after they turned 3 and did 2 mornings a week. After about a month I realized they could have handled the 3 morning a week class, but financially it just wasn't possible. I am a SAHM and since I have twins, I have to pay 2x the tuition. This year (they just turned 4) they will be entering the VPK (voluntary pre-kindergarten) program that is free for every child in the state of FL and this is 5 mornings a week. If it was not free they would still only be going 2-3 mornings a week depending on what we could afford. I am very happy they are doing the 5 morning a week program because Kindergarten in FL is all day. The 5 morning a week program is a good transition for them to be ready for 5 day all day Kindergarten.
I am sure your LO could probably handle a 3 day program, even with extra activities, but it does some times come down to cost. My girls thrived in a 2 morning a week program, just the same as they would have in a 3 morning a week program.
I guess I have a different perspective. DH and I both work full time, so DD has been going to "school" full time since she was 12 months old. She is now 3 and a half. It's funny to me when people ask if their kids can handle 3 morning per week, because she has been doing 4 full days per week for so long! And it's not just play - it's an accredited program with learning components and a 4k classroom. Since 1, she's had structured time for art, music, "reading" aka learing her ABC's and numbers, colors, etc.
If you can afford it and she loves it, go for it! My DD loves her school and doing 3 morning per week rather than 2 would not concern me in the least bit.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13