Baby Names

MN for Cosette

My sister is looking for a MN to pair with Cosette (French name pronounced like ko-zet). They're having a hard time finding something, so I told her I'd bring it to the experts! Last name begins with a B and is one syllable. TIA!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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12/1999: Dx with Endometriosis (age 12)
5/2001: Ruptured appendix, massive scar tissue
6/2005:Dx with Interstitial Cystitis
9/2005: Gall bladder removed due to problems from cysts
7/2006: Officially Dx with Fibromyalgia (age 18)
2/2010: Partial left ovarian torsion

10/2012: SA = Low Motility
11/2012: Surgery #5 to remove scar tissue & paratubal cyst
HSG: Right tube blocked; unable to clear

Re: MN for Cosette

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