
It makes me feel like a douche

I just sent my SIL an article on ERF because her son is going to be one in a couple months.  I always feel like like anything I say is met with a side eye or brushed off (I'm sure I'm imagining some of it) because parents are notorious for either being know it alls or defensive and I feel like I'm falling on one side and she and my BIL on the other.  At Christmas I watched them strap him in to his infant carrier with the chest buckle around his belly button and straps so loose they could slide off so as un-douchily as I could, I had to point it out.  Then when they visited last weekend we were talking about how he's turning one, getting big and switching to a convertible and my BIL said "Yeah we have to switch him soon because his legs are too long." and I mentioned that the convertibles don't really sit any further back than the infant and he said "Yeah but you turn them around."  I said "Oh well they have to stay rear facing until at least 1 but longer if you can."  And he just shrugged and walked off.   Sigh.
Formerly known as elmoali :)

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