When your child is vomiting, or has a high fever? DD got sick yesterday halfway through her 5th birthday party and proceeded to puke off and on for the next 8 hours. Poor kid. It was awful and I was up all night with her, so I had time to debate with myself which is worse- dealing with vomiting all night or up at night with a kid running a high fever. Around 3:30am I decided while puke is awful, high fevers scare me more and are my pick for the worst.
Nadia Irene 8/13/07
Reid Owen 8/18/09
Re: Which do you hate more?
This is my siggy. Love it.
me too. rather have the fever.
Fevers scare me.
DS hasn't done a whole lot of vomiting either (knock on wood), so that may factor into my decision. But fevers are still scary.