Baby Names

Middle Names for Lilian?

A fair ways off, since I'm pregnant with a boy, but I like knowing in advance (and in case the US was wrong.)  We've agreed on Lilian (or Lillian) for a girl's first name.  Stuck on a middle name though.  Our last name sounds a lot like "hoagie".  I'd like to name a child after my grandpa Ray, but I'm not real sure how well it works for a girl.

Lilian Charlotte (after old male friend of mine - not my favorite option) 

Lilian Rae (after my grandpa)

Lilian Clara (Ray's mom was Clara)

Lilian Claire (only problem with this is the nn Lily = Lil Eclair)

Lilian Joanna (there are a crap ton of Johanns and Johannas on DH's side of the family) 

DH rejected Clara as a first name, and is wishy-washy on Rae. 

Other suggestions welcome.  Most of our family names suck (Elsie, Bessie, Laverne, Alpha, Myrna, Cecille, Nancy, Marilyn, Fraser.  Yes, Fraser.  As a girl's name) or are used by multiple people (Mary, Rebecca, Grace, Nicole.)  Elise, my favorite variant of Elsie, is used one of DH's friends' daughters.  And I'm not sold on Beth as a middle name (Elizabeth was a not-well-liked aunt, and a kind of terrible early childhood friend, so the full name is not an option at all.)

(Note:  Cecille would not suck if I weren't raised on Simon and Garfunkel.  They killed the name Cecilia for me, which is terrible, since it's so pretty.  Marilyn wouldn't suck if Monroe was not what I think of when I hear it.) 

DS born 12/2012
Little Squeaker due 6/2015

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