One of my guilty pleasure names for a boy. To the pp who said it's a girl name, it is not. It began as a surname and then became a boy name long before it was a girl name. OP, I do think you will get comments like that so be prepared. Behindthename shows that while it's more common in the US for girls now, it is used in Australia pretty commonly for boys.
I have known one boy and one girl with this name. It is not the worst first name, but I think it is better as a middle name. I think it leans toward feminine in terms of how it sounds, although I also think of Mr. Darcy!
I'm not sure its cheesy, but it is too feminine for a boy IMO.
I agree with this. I know it was a masculine name first, but it still has a very feminine ring to me. Although it also makes me think Mr. Darcy and swoon. (But it was his last name, not first)
Ok, I love Darcy on a boy. In places not obsessed with giving boy names to girls it is still used on boys fairly regularly. Maybe it's just my area, but at my tiny high school of 150 ppl there were 3 male Darcys (1 Darcy and 2 D'Arcys actually) and I know of several more. The star player of my city's hockey team is named Darcy and my first association with the name is former NHL player Darcy Tucker, who was not remotely girly. I love it on a boy.
Re: Is Darcy too cheesy...
Cheesy, like an 80's movie. I know it's a boys name, but it reminds me of a National Lampoon's movie. All the Darcys I know are men over 35.
I agree with this. I know it was a masculine name first, but it still has a very feminine ring to me. Although it also makes me think Mr. Darcy and swoon. (But it was his last name, not first)