So when I first found out we were expecting on December 2nd, going on our annual "see the family 10 hours away for Thanksgiving" trip was immediately cancelled from my mind.
Now, knowing that with twins we might deliver in late October to early November, I've been wondering if maybe visiting my family is so entirely out of the question. We always drive there, and my cousin brought her son when he was 3 weeks old. Our best friends went to a family wedding 6 hours away when their daughter was 2-3 weeks. That being said, the idea of that many hands on the babies at such a young age is a little scary, and I imagine what's normally a 10 hour drive would transform into a 15 hour nightmare of frequent stops to breastfeed.
Anyone have any experience with this? I plan to ask our pediatrician, and I also plan to trust my instincts once they're born, but any input would be great.
Re: Travelling with Newborn Twins?
This was my experience as well. My boys were born full term and come home right away, but wow, was it crazy. My mom was staying with us and it took all three of us to just manage. But as PP said, everyone is different and every baby is different. I had really difficult newborns, but for some it would be fine.
I couldn't imagine driving for 10 hours (which will be way longer as you will need to stop every 2 hours or so to feed them for an hour) with my full-term twins at 2-3 weeks. I also had a hard time imagining friends coming over for half an hour, I was so sleep deprived and stressful. I also was still working through baby blues hormones and post-partum recovery. With that said, you will be the only good judge of that, and it'll depend some on how many people will be there and if rsv is a concern. I would be inclined to say no way in he||. Oh and you could also be recovering from a c-section and struggling to get breastfeeding working (if you plan to) which can be crazy hard with twins.
I am considering the same thing, but a much shorter drive.
The twins will be here in December. I'd like to travel to my hometown, about 3 hours away, in February. I would like my family to see the babies, but due to the size of my condo, I can't really have them all come and visit me. I don't want a visitor parade either.
I thought it just might be easier to go there. My mom would travel with me and it's a pretty easy drive. I think I can do it pretty easily with one stop to feed if I plan it out right.
I am not sure I could do 10 hours though. The babies would be fine if you stopped every 2 hours, which you probably would anyway, but I would go nuts.
DH: 31, normal!
April/May 2011: Menopur + Ovidrel +TI = BFN
Oct 2011: Menopur + Hcg +IUI = BFP!
Beta #1 (13dpiui)= 129.7, Beta #2 (15 dpiui)= 305
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My due date is the exact same--the girls are expected to be here early November (hopefully no sooner!) At first I contemplated traveling for the holidays (not even for Thanksgiving, but for Christmas) then I realized it would be wayyy more stressful to me than worth it. I'm worried about all the same things you mentioned, as well as germs and the fact that they may have a longer hospital stay. My aunt volunteered to host a "sip & see" baby shower in March so extended family could meet the girls. I'm excited to do it this way--that way we're not traveling (family is coming to us), they're a little older, and cold/flu season isn't at it's peak.
I wish you luck if you do decide to travel! You're braver than I!
While many twins do come a month plus early, you need to consider that you will carry them to 38 weeks, which would put you right around Thanksgiving.
My doctors and I anticipated me having these babies by now, due to past cervical issues, how big they are, GD, etc. I am scheduled for a c section at 38 weeks on Friday.
You cannot predict ANYTHING with a multiple pregnancy. I wouldn't make any firm plans through December if I were you! Good luck!
Thanks so much guys! A lot of this reinforces ideas I already had. As much as I want my elderly grandmother to see my boys, I think I'll wait and go down there whenever the weather warms up and when there are fewer people down there. My DH still thinks it's a reasonable possibility, but I'm sure he'll change his tune when he's elbow deep in twin poop. lol.
Thanks again!
Lost our first little peanut on 1/17/2012 at 9 weeks and 5 days. We miss you little blessing, but we know you were too perfect for this world.
My multiples/parenting/pregnancy/miscarriage blog
Pretty much this, though my boys were born at 37w6d. Feeding them was SO much work and could take up to an hour and they ate every 2.5 hrs at that age. I was BFing, pumping and supplementing all in that first month. Also, I would be very careful with having them around a lot of people that early and during cold and flu season.
We had a little help (people brought meals 3 times a week the first 2 months and I had a couple friends who each came over once a week to help out/chat/hold a baby for a few hours) and the first two months were still pure survival.
I also think the traveling you mentioned with a singleton at that age would be a whole different ballgame than with newborn twins (and even more so with twins who haven't even reached their due date yet). My sister and BIL did have to move all the way from FL to MN when their oldest was two weeks old. It was miserable; BFing took an hour and he ate every 2 hrs, not to mention how uncomfortable it could potentially be to sit in a car that long that early on.