Maryland Babies

Throwing food on the floor

DS will throw food on the floor while eating. Sometimes it's holding one piece over the edge and looking at us before dropping it or other times it's a big sweep across the tray. We tell him "no! we don't throw food" but of course he doesn't listen. Some girls on my BMB were saying to give them 3 warnings, then end the meal. I will do this if it's near the end of the meal and he's already eaten, but sometimes he starts throwing stuff at the beginning, not because he's all done but because he's being a brat. I'm not sure how I feel about taking dinner away. I'm sure every kid goes through this, how did you handle it?

BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
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BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
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Re: Throwing food on the floor

  • That's my house too!!! Sometimes it is so frustrating!! Sometimes he will try to be sneaky about it - other times he will stare at us and do it - other times he will just start throwing his hands across the high chair tray and it goes everywhere.

     I don't even think I give 3 warnings anymore. I think he is starting to learn that when he does that, it tells me that he doesn't want to eat anymore (whether its the case or not, I'm not always sure). But our 9 lb dog sure enjoys him doing that!! Sometimes, like last night, I gave him cucumbers, and he ate some, but right when he started to throw them, I took the rest away. Then, I gave him his pizza and he ate that. So, maybe try a different food if you think he is still hungry? We also try not to put too much on his tray but let him ask for more if he wants it. 

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  • I have no experience, but my friends son used to do the same thing. Her pedi told her to do exactly what your BMB girls told you to do. He isn't going to starve and hopefully he'll learn sooner rather than later.
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  • Just stay consistent, whatever you do.  He's either bored/done with the food or testing boundaries.  Claire will throw her sippy on the floor to see if we'll get it.  We pick it up once and tell her no, and if she throws it again it stays there.
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  • DS still does it from time to time.  I'll take it away, no warnings.  If he has already had a good amount, then dinner is over, if not then I will sit there and feed him a little bit more, but I wont let him feed himself.  If he gets mad, I just explain that I have to feed him now because he threw his food, he gets it.   Also when he was in his high chair I would give him 1 warning and then if he did it again I would take the food and turn his chair to face the wall for about a minute.  Typically he would get pissed and after a minute I would turn him back around and tell him he was in thinking time (what his DC uses) for throwing food, and tell him I was going to give it back to him and if he did it again he would go back in thinking time. 
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  • When she was younger and just starting to do it, we would tell her "we don't throw food" and then take it all away if she continued to do so. Now that she's old enough to know better and still does it sometimes, we will ask her if she's all done and if she says no, then remind her we don't throw things and that we'll take it away if she does it again. Then we follow through with that if she keeps doing it. Usually she stops though.
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  • I don't remember the age now but at some point it is normal for a baby to do this as they are learning about gravity, cause and effect, etc.  (I would give them something that he could throw from his high chair and explain that we don't throw food....)
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  • I remember this as a pretty short stage.  I didn't make a big deal about it, just said, oh, I guess you're done eating and then cleared up the meal. 

    It really is a developmental stage though and testing how to throw/drop things.  Make sure you are giving him things he can drop and test.  It could be boredom too - so make sure you are giving him enough chances to feed himself things that he wants.  I think some people advise to only put down a few things at a time. 

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  • Thanks for all the input! I think maybe we aren't being firm enough or are giving him too many chances. He doesn't do it all the time, but when he does, we need to do something!

    BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
    BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
    BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
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    BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d
    BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
    Pregnancy Ticker

    My Blog: Decorate This
  • DD does this. We try to say, "That's your food, that's not for Mr. Perry." She likes to feed our dog. That seems to get her to focus. Other times, she does it because she is bored/done. Usually we can tell which is which. If she is still hungry, she will sign for "more". Either way, we take the food away. If she is still hungry, we'll give her something else.
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