Cloth Diapering

Renting newborn cd's ?

I did not cd with DS but always wanted to however did not have a washer and dryer the 1st year. I know very very little about cloth diapering except many people I have talked to opt not to cd for newborns. I found a place that you can rent newborn cd's from. I thought this might be a good way I could try it out to see if I like doing it in general before committing to buying them.

Do you experienced moms think this is a good idea? Its about $19-$35 a month (not sure how long they will be in newborn size) for 24 cds. 

My options are heiny hugger, kissaluvs, or bum genius.

Thought? Advice? Thanks in advance

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BFP#1 on 02/14/09 BIRTH to Mason 6lb9oz on 10/12/09

BFP#2 on 5/28/11 EDD 2/1/12 Natural M/C on 6/13/11

BFP#3 on 1/20/12 EDD 9/30/12 Natural m/c on 1/27/12

BFP#4 on 4/23/12 BIRTH to Isabella 7lb1oz on 12/19/12

Re: Renting newborn cd's ?

  • I used BG xs and my DD outgrew the absorbancy within 6 weeks. I bought them for cheap as seconds and since I'll be using them for multiple kids, spending the $$ to buy, rather than rent, was worth it for us. If you don't think you'd get any use out of them after this baby and don't want to bother with selling them, I'd say $35 a month to rent would be worth it. I doubt you'd use them any longer than 6-8 weeks tops. I don't have any advice on which type to try, I have not used hh or kissa. I will say that BG are not very absorbant and if I had to do it again I probably would have bought grovia newborns instead.
    Jenn & Jason
    September 27, 2008
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  • I did a weekly rental from  Watch your rental packages b/c sometimes you have to commit to a 3 month package and if LO outgrows them before 3 months you might be in trouble.  My DS outgrew my rental by 4 weeks. 

    (If interested in Cutiepoops message her via email or FB b/c she?s just coming off maternity leave)

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  • I did a newborn rental of kissaluvs (which still fit at 12 weeks / 14lbs) because I wasn't sure if we'd CD or not. I found it easier than thinking about reselling them if CD'ing didn't work out. We did a rental from Itsty Bitsy Bum.
  • We rented the kissaluvs from itsy bitsy bums too and I loved the rental! Our son outgrew the NB stuff in 5 weeks but we did a preloved rental so the price was low enough to bd worth it even for that amount of time. 
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