Sometimes she forgets there is supposed to be a passive part about being passive aggressive.
That's all. I'm writing here to prevent myself from replying to her most recent email with a snarky response. She just sent me a pic of my child (whom she is babysitting) doing something she knows I would dislike. It's not dangerous - just a pet peeve she is very purposely doing and flaunting to me and everyone she copied on the email. Argh. Deep breaths mama.
Re: My MIL -
Yeah, it totally sucks that your free childcare is doing something with your kid that they enjoy & isn't dangerous.
My MIL put our dog to sleep, and then called us the next day to tell us about it. MILs suck so bad, don't they??
And I really don't think that most of the MIL complaining around here is warranted, regardless of any comparison to my shitstorm of a MIL.
Sounds passive to me. It's not like she called saying, "Look what I'm doing even though you hate it!"
What, exactly, is MIL doing that annoys you so much? You can't vaguely post something like that & not expect to explain yourself.
I am curious as to what she is doing. Seriously, if you have a problem with things she does, find another sitter. If you cannot find/afford another sitter, than as long as its not bad for your LO's health or a safety concern, I would get over it.
Says the person who hides her eye rolls when her mothers says "I only give him a little bit" about chocolate, cookies, candy, and cakes.
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
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Wow, she was just saying it was a pet peeve, she wasn't ranting about the woman. Everyone is bothered by little things others do. No big deal, not something to jump all over her about, she even stated she wasn't going to be snarky or say anything to her MIL. People are allowed to feel however they want.
Your hormones are fun. :-) I enjoy pregnant sofa.
No, she didn't call me saying that she emailed me, DH, Her husband, my brother in law and my two sils with the subject line "look what I'm doing with X because I can while cbidt's girl can't do anything about it". The quotes are literal. I'm not giving details on the thing she's out doing because it is a petty thing. What irks me is the fact that she's doing it precisely because she knows it bothers me.
Already did
I don't actually have free childcare. I have very expensive childcare that is closed this week and MIL is covering one day for me. Just to clarify.
No, for a very high non-monetary cost. I kid. I don't use her for consistent childcare was the point I was trying to make. I love my regular childcare and I like my MIL / I was just annoyed by this one aspect of her behavior.
Yeah you got free childcare as others mentioned but that doesn't make that move on her part less b!itchy.
Fine if you want to do stuff that you know isn't dangerous with my kid when I'm not around that you know I don't like whatever. But to seriously take time out to send that email was just rude. Intentionally flaunting the fact that you are doing something you know I don't agree with/or annoys me as a parent is just a crappy move. So I'll give you a pass I think you deserve it free care or not.
Free child care. We do argue sometimes about stuff, but talking to H about it tends to be enough for me. I come to TB to get away from that shiit, and unless someone is being a total biitch on TB (or the person they are venting about is) I tend to ignore those posts.
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
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