
If you have not vaccinated your preemie, or will be stopping...

I am actually posting this for another preemie mama who prefers to remain anon.  However, she'd love to get some insight as to why you made the decision to not vaccinate your preemie at all OR to stop vaccinating after a certain point. Also, and resources you think would be helpful to her as she makes her decision would be helpful as well.  Thanks! 

She may contact you directly via PM or e-mail (if you leave an e-mail) to talk further.

Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: If you have not vaccinated your preemie, or will be stopping...

  • In AZ, where we live but also in CA and a few others, there's a pertussis and a measles outbreak right now. Not vaccinating isn't an option for us under those circumstances. 
    Photobucket Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Thanks gals.  I was really just hoping someone would be open enough to talk about not vaccinating.  But, obviously, no takers here. Which is fine. I was just checking.  I know I've seen people here who have done different things with vacs, I guess they aren't here right now. 

    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

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  • I believe I'm the only one here who does NOT vaccinate our preemie. (Sorry, I don't get much opportunity to log on these days... little man keeps me busy!)

    What started me down this road was learning from our neonatologists that TPN (intravenous nutrition) has high levels of aluminum. One of the neo's explained that aluminum is a neurotoxin and remains in the body indefinitely if injected intravenously. Unfortunately, my baby was on TPN for three weeks.

    Here is something I posted in a private group about this recently:

    I know I'm the only one here who doesn't vaccinate, and I don't want to push my POV on anyone so I never talk about it and will not try to persuade anyone (unless you are interested and feel like chatting via PM or something). 

    BUT, after all my research, I am compelled to give this one heads-up: 

    If your preemie was on TPN in the NICU (i.e. wasn't able to take milk through a feeding tube or orally at first and had nutrition intravenously), please take a look at the suggestions below if/when you do vaccinate.

    If your baby was on TPN, he or she was injected with a lot of aluminum. Vaccines have a high amount of aluminum. Our bodies can excrete aluminum that's ingested orally (via the renal system), but they CANNOT excrete it if it's injected... and it accumulates each time more is injected. Aluminum is a neurotoxin and there are PubMed studies that discuss the delays and side effects it can cause.

    All that is to say, if you follow the full recommended vaccination schedule, please consider doing the following to make it safer (these are from Dr. Sears who is pro-vaccine):

    * Ask your doctor to order the brand of HIB vaccine that does not contain aluminum.

    * Ask your doctor to avoid the brand of DTaP with the most amount of aluminum. However, you should be aware that the DTaP with the lowest aluminum also has a trace of mercury and uses cow tissue in manufacturing. The brand of DTaP with a moderate amount of aluminum does not contain mercury and does not use cow tissues.

    * As for Hep B, Pc, Hep A, and HPV, all available brands have the same amount of aluminum. Parents can limit the number of aluminum-containing vaccines given at any one time, but this would mean coming in for extra "shot only" visits in between check ups. In Chapter 19, What Should You Now Do?, I will detail a vaccine schedule that allows you to get every vaccine in a timely manner, while only getting one aluminum-containing vaccine at a time.

    * Avoid any combo vaccines that have more aluminum than the individual shots do. 

    Source for these suggestions (and a good article to read, especially for preemie parents):  

    Julia ~ six miscarriages ~ our sweet miracle baby, Jack, due 5/3/12, was born at 29w1d on February 17, 2012, weighing 2 pounds 8 ounces Lilypie Premature Baby tickers BabyFetus Ticker
  • Oh, your friend is welcome to email me at julia.greer at Gmail.

    This was part II of the above that I had posted on another group: 


    What really persuaded me was info from the CDC, various PubMed studies, and the vaccine manufacturers themselves -- contrary to what some people think, I didn't come to this conclusion because of Jenny McCarthy or random dodgy websites!


    For instance, if you research each ingredient in a vaccine, you realize that any ONE of them is not something you should be shooting into a tiny baby's bloodstream (e.g., aluminum, a known neurotoxin).


    If you look at all the aluminum and other toxins that are included as adjuvants or preservatives and consider how many vaccines babies and children are supposed to get, you would expect to see an epidemic of autism, ADHD, autoimmune issues, and numerous other neurological issues. (So, big surprise that we are seeing all of those things!)


    Here's the thing: the concept of a vaccine is a wonderful one. How great to be able to curb, say, a viral epidemic by helping everyone form antibodies against the virus?


    The problem is, the risk vs. benefit equation has been terribly skewed. We are not in a situation where people are dropping like flies from an infectious disease. (BTW, if we were, I'd consider the vaccine!) And the adjuvants and preservatives cause far too great a risk relative to the benefit of the vaccine.


    Instead, what is more typical is, for instance, diphtheria. Your likelihood of getting and dying of diphtheria is something like less than one in a million... but the risk of developing seizure disorder because of the vaccine is one in 4,000. Why in the world would I inflict such a relatively high risk of seizures, which can cause permanent brain damage, just for the one-in-a-million risk of getting a rare disease? For any logical person, that makes zero sense.


    Just to be clear, I don't think vaccines harm most children... just ones who are pre-disposed. And, unfortunately, preemies, especially ones with very low birth weight and/or who were on TPN, are likely pre-disposed to have issues triggered by vaccines. It's important to know that even if you choose to vaccinate, there are options... such as selective or delayed, as you mentioned, or requesting aluminum-free versions. It's not an "all or nothing" thing by any means. 

    Julia ~ six miscarriages ~ our sweet miracle baby, Jack, due 5/3/12, was born at 29w1d on February 17, 2012, weighing 2 pounds 8 ounces Lilypie Premature Baby tickers BabyFetus Ticker
  • imageJuliaJAG:

    Oh, your friend is welcome to email me at julia.greer at Gmail.

    This was part II of the above that I had posted on another group: 


    What really persuaded me was info from the CDC, various PubMed studies, and the vaccine manufacturers themselves -- contrary to what some people think, I didn't come to this conclusion because of Jenny McCarthy or random dodgy websites!


    For instance, if you research each ingredient in a vaccine, you realize that any ONE of them is not something you should be shooting into a tiny baby's bloodstream (e.g., aluminum, a known neurotoxin).


    If you look at all the aluminum and other toxins that are included as adjuvants or preservatives and consider how many vaccines babies and children are supposed to get, you would expect to see an epidemic of autism, ADHD, autoimmune issues, and numerous other neurological issues. (So, big surprise that we are seeing all of those things!)


    Here's the thing: the concept of a vaccine is a wonderful one. How great to be able to curb, say, a viral epidemic by helping everyone form antibodies against the virus?


    The problem is, the risk vs. benefit equation has been terribly skewed. We are not in a situation where people are dropping like flies from an infectious disease. (BTW, if we were, I'd consider the vaccine!) And the adjuvants and preservatives cause far too great a risk relative to the benefit of the vaccine.


    Instead, what is more typical is, for instance, diphtheria. Your likelihood of getting and dying of diphtheria is something like less than one in a million... but the risk of developing seizure disorder because of the vaccine is one in 4,000. Why in the world would I inflict such a relatively high risk of seizures, which can cause permanent brain damage, just for the one-in-a-million risk of getting a rare disease? For any logical person, that makes zero sense.


    Just to be clear, I don't think vaccines harm most children... just ones who are pre-disposed. And, unfortunately, preemies, especially ones with very low birth weight and/or who were on TPN, are likely pre-disposed to have issues triggered by vaccines. It's important to know that even if you choose to vaccinate, there are options... such as selective or delayed, as you mentioned, or requesting aluminum-free versions. It's not an "all or nothing" thing by any means. 

    Thanks for responding.  I passed your e-mail on to her.  

    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • Sounds good; I'll be on the lookout for an email from her. I can also address some of the common misconceptions about not vaccinating (especially in reference to premature babies) but will do that offline via email.
    Julia ~ six miscarriages ~ our sweet miracle baby, Jack, due 5/3/12, was born at 29w1d on February 17, 2012, weighing 2 pounds 8 ounces Lilypie Premature Baby tickers BabyFetus Ticker
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