
Post partum bleeding

I'm almost 4 weeks pp (delivered via c-section) and my bleeding was letting up, then all of the sudden I had super bad cramps the other night (like period cramps) and now I'm back a good amount of bright red blood.   Is this something I should be worried about?? 

Re: Post partum bleeding

  • Are you breast-feeding? If not it could be your period but it still is a little early for your period to return but anything can happen. Is this new bleeding heavy? I've had it let up and then return but it wasn't too heavy and went away in a day. Maybe you did too much as far as activity goes. It won't hurt to call your doctor.
  • This happened to me at 5 weeks PP, I freaked out thinking I pulled a stitch or something and called my OB.  Turns out it was just my period returning (and I was still BFing).  It's not that common, but totally possible to get your first PP period 4 weeks out but call your doctor to be sure.
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  • I had the same, called Dr. They said its normal to pick back up again. Especially if you're doing housework, shopping, etc. 

    Son born 7.3.12 SHOCKING BFP 11/24/12 - EDD 7/31/12 BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yep I was about the same amount of time pp when the bleeding picked up again and I had very severe cramping. For me, it turned out to be my period returning. If you are worried about it or the bleeding becomes even heavier I would give your ob a call, just to make sure.
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