

Stemming from the young mom discussion. 


I would be very very saddened and disappointed if either of my kids ended up parents by 21

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  • I am sick and my BF has been out of town all week. I am thinking about going to the gym today and dropping my son off to play in the kid center while I take a nap in the locker room.
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  • This morning, in my work cafeteria, I'm 90% sure the woman in front of me took her bagel without paying for it. 

    I know the pricing, and she definitely only paid for her coffee.  Neither her nor the cashier seemed to notice.  I wanted to say something but as I tried to figure it out what the mistake might be or what to say, the seconds ticked by, and before I knew it the transaction was over.  Honestly, I feel like an accomplice.  Blergh.

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  • Skinny jeans can work on lots of different body types, you just have to find the right ones.  I'm short with muscular thighs and never thought I could pull them off


    It amazes me how many people apparently buy things just b/c theyre trendy and leave the house without looking in the mirror.  This includes all men in skinny jeans

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  • I get a bit frustrated by the idea that just because someone loses their patience or temper with their child, it automatically means that they have some sort of depression/anxiety. Yes, in some situations, where the frustration/anger is irrational, then there may be depression/anxiety involved. However, there are many parents put there who've gotten frustrated/angry with their toddler and they do not have this sort of problem. Toddlers are frustrating. Toddlers are difficult to understand. It's not easy to constantly remember that toddlers don't understand everything, especially she they seem to so clearly understand some things. If you're hurting your child on a regular basis or losing your temper almost constantly and for no reason, that's one thing, but if you have a minor slip up and maybe grab your kid's arm a little roughly or yell at your child once or twice... Well, I think that's sort of all part of learning to be a parent. Parenting is not an easy job. Only a saint would make it through day after day without a momentary lapse in judgement or loss of temper. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageAbinormal:

    I get a bit frustrated by the idea that just because someone loses their patience or temper with their child, it automatically means that they have some sort of depression/anxiety. Yes, in some situations, where the frustration/anger is irrational, then there may be depression/anxiety involved. However, there are many parents put there who've gotten frustrated/angry with their toddler and they do not have this sort of problem. Toddlers are frustrating. Toddlers are difficult to understand. It's not easy to constantly remember that toddlers don't understand everything, especially she they seem to so clearly understand some things. If you're hurting your child on a regular basis or losing your temper almost constantly and for no reason, that's one thing, but if you have a minor slip up and maybe grab your kid's arm a little roughly or yell at your child once or twice... Well, I think that's sort of all part of learning to be a parent. Parenting is not an easy job. Only a saint would make it through day after day without a momentary lapse in judgement or loss of temper. 

    Are you talking about that serious meds post last night?  I agree with you completely.  


    If you don't get frustrated with your toddler you're either lying or dead

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  • I plan on tuning into the Today Show next Friday to see 98 Degrees perform.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Last night I had redeemed a coupon for a free fitness assessment with a personal trainer. I decided it was free, so why not? By the end of the hour he had me drinking the kool-aid. I actually went home and told my husband that I needed to buy a years worth of training sessions for the low, low price of $60 a session (but only if you buy a years worth of sessions, 2x a week). The trainer convinced me that I needed to loose 15lbs of fat, gain 10lbs in muscle, and the only way I was going to do it was with his help. 

    I feel like such a schmuck.  

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Another confession:  I was completely anti-skinny jeans until about a week ago when I put on a pair of my usual flared jeans and realized that I look like I'm visiting from the mid-1970's. 

    I think I'm going to buy a pair of skinny jeans on my next visit to the mall. Embarrassed

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  • I love skinny jeans. LOVE them with boots in the winter, ballet flats in the summer. And occasionally the boots are Uggs.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • I second the kids at 21.  I didn't have DD until I was almost 28 and I'm SO glad I waited.  I was craaaazy at 21-24 and loved it.

    I am bummed out I'm not pregnant this cycle.  We haven't been trying for #2 long but I had a CP last cycle and was hoping this was going to be it since that was what happened when I conceived DD (CP then pregnant the next month).  I was really hoping for an April baby so it maximized my maternity leave with summer break.  Oh well... 



  • My brother broke off his engagement and I am so happy. Future SIL was a mega-b!tch and just not right for him. I'm sure he saw something in her at one time, but I'm glad he came to his senses. I'm upset that he's hurt, but I'm more happy that she's gone. (Of course, I didn't express my glee to him.) 
  • I plan to get out my Halloween decorations within the next week or so.

    I love my overly priced car and would struggle to downgrade.

    I just ordered The Worst Witch on DVD (finally) and plan to let DD watch it before she's of the age to enjoy it. 


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagerobinsokj:

    I get a bit frustrated by the idea that just because someone loses their patience or temper with their child, it automatically means that they have some sort of depression/anxiety. Yes, in some situations, where the frustration/anger is irrational, then there may be depression/anxiety involved. However, there are many parents put there who've gotten frustrated/angry with their toddler and they do not have this sort of problem. Toddlers are frustrating. Toddlers are difficult to understand. It's not easy to constantly remember that toddlers don't understand everything, especially she they seem to so clearly understand some things. If you're hurting your child on a regular basis or losing your temper almost constantly and for no reason, that's one thing, but if you have a minor slip up and maybe grab your kid's arm a little roughly or yell at your child once or twice... Well, I think that's sort of all part of learning to be a parent. Parenting is not an easy job. Only a saint would make it through day after day without a momentary lapse in judgement or loss of temper. 

    Are you talking about that serious meds post last night?  I agree with you completely.  


    If you don't get frustrated with your toddler you're either lying or dead

    I didn't see the serious meds post and I'm totally not discounting those with an actual problem. I think the "bully" post last night was legit and that the woman who posted probably did need help, but I just get frustrated with the "oh, you're not the perfect mother, you need meds!" mentality.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I loathe people who self diagnose and won't go to the doctor with a passion but I have some funky rash going on on my hands.  I don't have a sitter today and my doctor is 25 minutes away so I am currently googling pics of things I believe I could have.  
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  • I started a load of sheets on Wednesday and it is still sitting in the washer. I know I will have to rewash it at least once, if not twice. Hmm



  • imageATMmom324:
    I loathe people who self diagnose and won't go to the doctor with a passion but I have some funky rash going on on my hands.  I don't have a sitter today and my doctor is 25 minutes away so I am currently googling pics of things I believe I could have.  

    I've been there.  Self diagnosing skin rashes are the worst.  DS has had a ton of skin issues and his rashes never look like the pictures on google.  Even when we take him to the doctor they like to have multiple pedi's take a look before determining anything. I don't know if no two rashes look alike or if he's just a weirdo.

    I hope it just goes away on its own!

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  • The arrival of my kid's teeth have turned him into some kind of nocturnal demon that wakes every hour and likes to cut his teeth against my nipples. 

    All this is to say, I'm definitely not showering before work today.  

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  • I'm glad AF will be here today, because I'm too tired to have sex with DH!



  • imagerobinsokj:

    I get a bit frustrated by the idea that just because someone loses their patience or temper with their child, it automatically means that they have some sort of depression/anxiety. Yes, in some situations, where the frustration/anger is irrational, then there may be depression/anxiety involved. However, there are many parents put there who've gotten frustrated/angry with their toddler and they do not have this sort of problem. Toddlers are frustrating. Toddlers are difficult to understand. It's not easy to constantly remember that toddlers don't understand everything, especially she they seem to so clearly understand some things. If you're hurting your child on a regular basis or losing your temper almost constantly and for no reason, that's one thing, but if you have a minor slip up and maybe grab your kid's arm a little roughly or yell at your child once or twice... Well, I think that's sort of all part of learning to be a parent. Parenting is not an easy job. Only a saint would make it through day after day without a momentary lapse in judgement or loss of temper. 

    Are you talking about that serious meds post last night?  I agree with you completely.  


    If you don't get frustrated with your toddler you're either lying or dead

    I realise it's FFFC and all, but don't you think that it's rude to talk about that woman's troubles so soon after her post? I think it's brave to seek out help, whether it's medicine, therapy, or advice on a forum. That being said, I do agree that toddlers are frustrating. I feel like I am going to lose my mind on a weekly basis.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • Last Friday DH and I took the day off and sent Betsy to daycare.  We went out on the boat, just the two of us, for the first time since I was pregnant.  That's not the confession, though.  The confession is that we had to kill some time out in the ocean while a storm passed through on shore.  So we had secks while we waited.  There were no other boats within a half mile or so of us, but the whole open air/broad daylight thing felt very scandalous. 

  • imagescoutkate:

    Last Friday DH and I took the day off and sent Betsy to daycare.  We went out on the boat, just the two of us, for the first time since I was pregnant.  That's not the confession, though.  The confession is that we had to kill some time out in the ocean while a storm passed through on shore.  So we had secks while we waited.  There were no other boats within a half mile or so of us, but the whole open air/broad daylight thing felt very scandalous. 

    Yes Scandalous for sure!!



  • I was definitely not cut out to be a SAHM.  I work 4 days a week and stay home with DD on Fridays.  By the time H gets home, I'm usually about to lose my mind.  I don't know how people do this every day.
    Mom to two beautiful girls and forever labor buddy to the fab lady MandaPanda518!
  • imagecar seat:

    I second the kids at 21.  I didn't have DD until I was almost 28 and I'm SO glad I waited.  I was craaaazy at 21-24 and loved it.

    I am bummed out I'm not pregnant this cycle.  We haven't been trying for #2 long but I had a CP last cycle and was hoping this was going to be it since that was what happened when I conceived DD (CP then pregnant the next month).  I was really hoping for an April baby so it maximized my maternity leave with summer break.  Oh well... 

    Sorry about the CP.  :(

    Thank you.  :) 



  • I just came to the realization a few days ago that most of my jeans are Mom Jeans.
    "To me, you are perfect."

  • imageHilarityEnsued:

    - I agree that it's foolish to jump to the "you need medication" route immediately with things, but in regards to that specific post yesterday, the poster was using very severe language and I don't think people were off in suggesting meds and/or therapy.

    I agree with this.  Plus she herself brought up both medication and counseling.  That was not your typical "toddlers are frustrating" post.  Of course everyone gets frustrated with their toddlers.  But not everyone has that kind of mental and emotional anguish because of it.

  • imageAbinormal:

    I get a bit frustrated by the idea that just because someone loses their patience or temper with their child, it automatically means that they have some sort of depression/anxiety. Yes, in some situations, where the frustration/anger is irrational, then there may be depression/anxiety involved. However, there are many parents put there who've gotten frustrated/angry with their toddler and they do not have this sort of problem. Toddlers are frustrating. Toddlers are difficult to understand. It's not easy to constantly remember that toddlers don't understand everything, especially she they seem to so clearly understand some things. If you're hurting your child on a regular basis or losing your temper almost constantly and for no reason, that's one thing, but if you have a minor slip up and maybe grab your kid's arm a little roughly or yell at your child once or twice... Well, I think that's sort of all part of learning to be a parent. Parenting is not an easy job. Only a saint would make it through day after day without a momentary lapse in judgement or loss of temper. 

    I completly agree with all of this.  If it is constant and your child is frightened by you on the regular then maybe you need some med mgmt.  If you are human and lose it, well, it's just normal parenting.

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  • I think that if I had kids too early I would have resented them for not being able to live it up.  I had some pretty crazy times that I am thoroughly glad I did when I was younger.  I don't think I would have been able to if I had been a young mom and I think I would have felt like I am missing out.

     I could never wear skinny jeans because I have such thunder thighs that to fit my things they will still just look like straight leg. 

    DH and I both drive less then a year old cars that cost over 25,000.  Unless your buying a compact isn't just about every car over 25,000?  I drive a mini van and he drives a Dodge Journey.

     I just sent pics to friends on FB asking them to diagnose my rash.  Only to the friends who asked for pics though.  I am not that bad. 

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  • imageHilarityEnsued:

    Piggy-backing on some others and some of my own:

    - I would be upset if my kids had kids before they were in their mid 20's, but as we spoke about yesterday, this is very uncommon in my social circle so it would certainly be out of the norm.

    - I agree that it's foolish to jump to the "you need medication" route immediately with things, but in regards to that specific post yesterday, the poster was using very severe language and I don't think people were off in suggesting meds and/or therapy.

    - And my own FFFC: I think that grown people that make a big deal out of their birthdays EVERY YEAR are ridiculous.  I have a friend that has a "birthday week" and seriously tells every goddamn person it's her birthday.  People that expect presents and major fuss over their birthdays well into their 30s... I just don't get it.  I get having a bit of a celebration for "milestone" birthdays (21, 30, 40, 50, etc.) but anything past going out to dinner with a group of friends or having a family bbq type event gets the side-eye from me.

    I agree with all of these, but the last one drives me batty.  My mom is like that.  She will cry and throw toddler style tantrums if we don't throw her a surprise party for her birthday every five years.  No.  Just no. 

    Mom to two beautiful girls and forever labor buddy to the fab lady MandaPanda518!
  • imageandyyougoonie:
    I was definitely not cut out to be a SAHM.  I work 4 days a week and stay home with DD on Fridays.  By the time H gets home, I'm usually about to lose my mind.  I don't know how people do this every day.

    This is exactly me as well!

    Except I'm working today because I needed to meet with someone who was only available on Fridays. Crying

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  • imagecruelsound:


    I'm down with being irritated by Vanessa Manillo. This picture alone makes me want to run into Jessica Simpson's arms and never look back.

    Can't we just banish them both?  Nick Lachey has poooooorrrr taste in women.

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  • imagecruelsound:


    I'm down with being irritated by Vanessa Manillo. This picture alone makes me want to run into Jessica Simpson's arms and never look back.

    I have only the vaguest idea of who she is, but what's so bad about this picture?

  • imageHilarityEnsued:

    Piggy-backing on some others and some of my own:

    - I would be upset if my kids had kids before they were in their mid 20's, but as we spoke about yesterday, this is very uncommon in my social circle so it would certainly be out of the norm.

    - I agree that it's foolish to jump to the "you need medication" route immediately with things, but in regards to that specific post yesterday, the poster was using very severe language and I don't think people were off in suggesting meds and/or therapy.

    - And my own FFFC: I think that grown people that make a big deal out of their birthdays EVERY YEAR are ridiculous.  I have a friend that has a "birthday week" and seriously tells every goddamn person it's her birthday.  People that expect presents and major fuss over their birthdays well into their 30s... I just don't get it.  I get having a bit of a celebration for "milestone" birthdays (21, 30, 40, 50, etc.) but anything past going out to dinner with a group of friends or having a family bbq type event gets the side-eye from me.

    This is funny.  One of my co-workers is turning 30 something on Sunday.  She has had a countdown everyday this month and telling every person she sees.  She has even written down gift ideas and put them in a jar for everyone to grab!!!  She took today and Monday off.  WTF?  The jar is and will remain full of her gift ideas!  She may be disappointed when she comes back to work on Tuesday!

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  • imagecruelsound:


    I'm down with being irritated by Vanessa Manillo. This picture alone makes me want to run into Jessica Simpson's arms and never look back.

    Haha. Vanessa is actually really nice in person but she does come across irritating on TV and in interviews sometimes. I think it worked out well that Jessica had a little girl and Nick is having a boy based on how they were on Newlyweds, though, lol.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I've had children while young and older. It sucks no matter what your age. 
  • imagektshoff:

    Piggy-backing on some others and some of my own:

    - I would be upset if my kids had kids before they were in their mid 20's, but as we spoke about yesterday, this is very uncommon in my social circle so it would certainly be out of the norm.

    - I agree that it's foolish to jump to the "you need medication" route immediately with things, but in regards to that specific post yesterday, the poster was using very severe language and I don't think people were off in suggesting meds and/or therapy.

    - And my own FFFC: I think that grown people that make a big deal out of their birthdays EVERY YEAR are ridiculous.  I have a friend that has a "birthday week" and seriously tells every goddamn person it's her birthday.  People that expect presents and major fuss over their birthdays well into their 30s... I just don't get it.  I get having a bit of a celebration for "milestone" birthdays (21, 30, 40, 50, etc.) but anything past going out to dinner with a group of friends or having a family bbq type event gets the side-eye from me.

    This is funny.  One of my co-workers is turning 30 something on Sunday.  She has had a countdown everyday this month and telling every person she sees.  She has even written down gift ideas and put them in a jar for everyone to grab!!!  She took today and Monday off.  WTF?  The jar is and will remain full of her gift ideas!  She may be disappointed when she comes back to work on Tuesday!

    Wow, that's really bad. What an asshat. 


    BFP # 1- DS ~ TTC #2 since Jan. 2012 - BFP # 2 - "Baby Elsie" - Blighted Ovum - D&C August 22, 2012 at 7w3d, BFP # 3 - CP - December 30, 2012, BFP # 4 - CP - March 19, 2013 ~ First RE Appt. 4/24/13 Med cycle #1: 50mg Clomid and Trigger shot = BFN. Med. Cycle #2: 6 cysts found. No meds/rest cycle. Trying on our own = BFP # 5! Beta #1 = 77, Beta #2 = 129 Beta #3 = 94 - CP - July 2, 2013. BFP # 6! Beta#1 = 21, Beta#2 =58 Beta#3 = 134. U/S shows heartbeat of 142 at 7w2d!
  • imageMrsCodeMonkey:

    I get a bit frustrated by the idea that just because someone loses their patience or temper with their child, it automatically means that they have some sort of depression/anxiety. Yes, in some situations, where the frustration/anger is irrational, then there may be depression/anxiety involved. However, there are many parents put there who've gotten frustrated/angry with their toddler and they do not have this sort of problem. Toddlers are frustrating. Toddlers are difficult to understand. It's not easy to constantly remember that toddlers don't understand everything, especially she they seem to so clearly understand some things. If you're hurting your child on a regular basis or losing your temper almost constantly and for no reason, that's one thing, but if you have a minor slip up and maybe grab your kid's arm a little roughly or yell at your child once or twice... Well, I think that's sort of all part of learning to be a parent. Parenting is not an easy job. Only a saint would make it through day after day without a momentary lapse in judgement or loss of temper. 

    Are you talking about that serious meds post last night?  I agree with you completely.  


    If you don't get frustrated with your toddler you're either lying or dead

    I realise it's FFFC and all, but don't you think that it's rude to talk about that woman's troubles so soon after her post? I think it's brave to seek out help, whether it's medicine, therapy, or advice on a forum. That being said, I do agree that toddlers are frustrating. I feel like I am going to lose my mind on a weekly basis.

    Why is it rude? OP came here, to this public forum, to discuss her issues. So people are discussing her issues here--as well as their own issues. 

    "To me, you are perfect."

  • I fully plan on taking a sleep aid pill before P goes down for a nap so I can take one too.


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  • imageCTGirl30:

    I was definitely not cut out to be a SAHM.  I work 4 days a week and stay home with DD on Fridays.  By the time H gets home, I'm usually about to lose my mind.  I don't know how people do this every day.

    Because I cannot form an original opinion today, I will just piggyback off everyone else's. ;-) But I wholeheartedly agree with this.

    I cannot, for the life of me, imagine my life being a SAHM. I would lose my shiits. I give them major credit / kudos. Because spending all day long every single day of the week with a very active toddler sounds like very hard work to me (and our weekends when we are home with her all day are exhausting). I love my kid - she's awesome and funny and does neat stuff on a daily basis - but I love that I get some time away from her, too. Makes us all happier.

    I have been a SAHM for over two years and am realizing that I'm not cut out for it either.  I think I have never been truly happy doing it but also struggle with the idea of going back to work.  It's hard for me to imagine leaving him with someone else.  What if he's crying and upset for most of the day?  What if they don't do things the way I would do (yes, I'm a little bit of a control freak)?  I would feel so guilty and sad.  And that keeps me from working.  So then I feel trapped and like I wouldn't be happy either way.  

    So tell me, do you get used to the idea of being apart from them?  Do you feel like your missing out on stuff with them?  I am very seriously considering going back to work after the next LO is born.  I am really at the point of feeling miserable and feel like I just need to try it.  One thing that helps is that DH works only 3 days per week.  So DS would only be with someone else for those 3 days.  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Who cares who they will pick to judge American Idol?  Who Cares?!?!  Sick of hearing about it.
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  • imageAbinormal:

    I get a bit frustrated by the idea that just because someone loses their patience or temper with their child, it automatically means that they have some sort of depression/anxiety. Yes, in some situations, where the frustration/anger is irrational, then there may be depression/anxiety involved. However, there are many parents put there who've gotten frustrated/angry with their toddler and they do not have this sort of problem. Toddlers are frustrating. Toddlers are difficult to understand. It's not easy to constantly remember that toddlers don't understand everything, especially she they seem to so clearly understand some things. If you're hurting your child on a regular basis or losing your temper almost constantly and for no reason, that's one thing, but if you have a minor slip up and maybe grab your kid's arm a little roughly or yell at your child once or twice... Well, I think that's sort of all part of learning to be a parent. Parenting is not an easy job. Only a saint would make it through day after day without a momentary lapse in judgement or loss of temper. 

    I agree with you, but I do think sometimes people post and downplay the situation out of fear or denial. It can't hurt to suggest seeking help when you really don't know all of the true facts. 
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