We're expecting B/G twins in December and while I'm completely frightened of coming up with names at this point (fear of jinxing myself - ridiculous, I know)...I want to get passed that I swore I wouldn't care what others thought and that's still true to a certain extent but since we're complete strangers, I can handle some honest insight.
For a boy we have agreed on Jackson as a first name - to be called Jack or Jax. As far as middle names go, DH has asked to come up with his middle name and has decided on Danger. Now this was an inside joke we had when we were dating about what we'd give a son as a middle name. It's not as much of a joke now that it's real lol. DH claims that "Danger is my middle name" is a very cool thing to say for a guy. It's cute and different but..I'm afraid of how cruel kids can be. DH insists that no one will mess with a kid with the middle name Danger lol.
As far as our girl twin goes...what are your opinions about:
Jenna Wiley (Wiley is MIL maiden name) as a sibling to Jack or
Chloe Elizabeth?
Re: B/G Twins and DH's Idea of a "cool" Middle Name
I don't think of Danger as a cute middle name, it is just silly.
I like Jenna and Chloe.
If a guy ever told me "danger is my middle name," he'd be laughed out of the room. Then I would spread it on FB, Twitter, etc about what a lame guy I'd just met.
He'll either be proud of it, which will make him look like a tool, or he'll be embarrassed of it (yet stuck with it, poor guy).
Any insights on Jenna vs. Chloe?
Yes, my name is Jennifer but that has no impact on my opinion of Jenna. Junia isn't a name I've heard of. I appreciate the suggestion but it's not my style.
Oh wow...I just noticed your name is Jen. And you want to name your daughter Jenna? Yikes. Plus the name Jenna always reminds me of the porn star Jenna Jameson.
Chloe is way overused. I've never been more tired of a name.
That's so funny b/c I've never met a Chloe before. And my problem is that I have name association issues, too. I pretty much dispise every name b/c someone who irritates me has that name or I just plain don't like it. I hadn't thought of Jenna Jameson but instead my girlfriends' little girls.
ETA: So is your opinion of a Jr/Sr male i.e. Michael Christopher Sr and Michael Christopher Jr the same? We shouldn't name a child the same as the father?
Are there any other names you like?
My name is also Jennifer and I don't think I would use Jenna for my daughter. I do know another Jennifer who named her daughter Genevieve and people are giving her crap about naming her after herself. I am not sure why men can have Juniors and women can't....but it's your choice! I do think Jenna is a pretty name. I am not a fan of Chloe personally.
I am also a twin and I do not like it when the names start with the same letter. They already have to share a birthday, let them at least have their own initial.
Now this I can work with! Not being a twin, I hadn't thought of how names starting with the same letter could be annoying like that...thank you.
Again, I dont' really care what people think about me naming my daughter something like mine, if I cared what people thought that much I'd be screwed in life lol. That being said, we do have some other girl names I like but they're, again, over used...Emily was my grandmother's name...wait that's about all I have.
Naming a person is such a huge responsibility!
Well Emily is overused but so is Jackson so it's not THAT bad. They're popular b/c they're good names, people like them, so they choose them.
If you like Emily but want something slightly different....how about Emma, Emmeline, Abigail, Evelyn, Ava, Adeline, ....?
Good stuff, thanks! I do like Emma and Emmeline
Can you think of any other daring names off the top of your head with which I might be able to distract DH from Danger (which I still think is cute just wouldn't name my kid that
Actually it IS my opinion. I think it's the height of narcissism, plus it doesn't nothing but cause problems for the kids. My ex was a Jr., and he and his dad had phone bills getting confused, tax returns got screwed up, etc. Plus they called them Big Name and Little Name, even though the son ended up way bigger. It was just ridiculous. But I understand the tradition for men, since it came from passing wealth down to a first born, blah, blah, blah. I think we're just passed that. I would majorly side-eye someone who named their daughter basically the same name. There are so many beautiful names out there, and the only one that works is the mother's name? Please.
And Chloe is the 10th most popular name in the country. In just the last 3 years there were approximately 3000 girls in Texas alone named Chloe.
Preference towards Chloe.... only because I don't go for the whole twins with the same first initial thing.
My parents' friends' grandson has the mn Rocket. And his nursery is a space theme. I like it more than I'll admit. :-)
Sure a 6 or 7 year old might be excited to see their name on a top 10 list of anything.
I'm friends with a lot of Jennifers, Jessicas, Kristies, etc. They all hated going by their first and last names. I still have people ask me about my best friend "oh, how is Kristie [last name]?" I was only best friends with one Kristie, but they all referred to her with first and last name. They all hated being one of 8 in our class in high school.
The "Danger" thing has been brought up here a few times, and usually the response is luke warm at best.
Instead, if you're looking for "cooler" middle names are there any activities/sports/musical groups etc.. that you or YH are quite fond, and then use names associated with them.
We've toyed with "Pearl" as a middle name for girls, It's twofold, DH's father was Earl, nickname Earl the Pearl and we're also HUGE Pearl Jam fans.
I've also seen people choosing middle names associated with favorite characters from books: Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird comes to mind immediately, and also I do believe there have been a few nautical names tossed around for those into sailing/boats.
As for Jenna v.Chloe, they are both fairly popular, but as mentioned before, it's because they are lovely names. Given the two, I'd probably choose Chloe.
If I met a guy with the middle name "Danger" I would assume the parents were teenagers when they had him. It may sound "cool" to you now, but it will be embarrassing for your child later as an adult. I'm sure 6 or 7 yrs olds might like it, but most 6 or 7 yrs have juvenile taste of course.
Chloe and Jackson are nice, not a fan of Jenna in general, but especially since your name is Jen.
I'm not a fan of Danger. What about Jackson Wiley?
I was reading through the posts and I do agree with the others that having Jennifer and Jenna in the same family might be a little weird...not necessarily because of the egotistical thing, but because of just being confusing.
What about Gemma as an alternative?
As for other boy middle name ideas, these two lists might have something:
Badass Baby Names
Boy Names Dads Like More Than Moms
Jackson Fox?
Jackson Dash?
Jackson Neo?
Jackson Wilder sounds kind of cool...
Love Jackson & Chloe.
Or other girl J names I love are Jade & Jaylyn
Natural M/C at 7 weeks 9.17.08 Natural M/C at 7 weeks 2.1.13
One of our friends suggested Danger as a MN and my husband mentioned how cool that would be when the kid is young and his friends are all "wow what a cool middle name I want to be your friend!" Then the kid grows up and everyone will judge his parents for giving him a D-bag MN. I think it'll be "cool" until middle/high school.
I'm not a huge fan of using the same first letter for twins - it seems matchy unless there's another reason to use Jenna & Jack. I like Chloe more than Jenna anyways.
ETA Just read about you being a Jen too, I don't like juniors for boys either so that definitely solidifies my vote for Chloe.
Hmmm....off the top of my head? Blaze/Blaise, Gunnar, Cannon, Ace, Hawk, Wilder or a virtue type name like Brave??? These would generally not be my personaly, style but they are just coming to mind. I will try to think of more.
If I were going to have twins and give one of them a name similar to Danger, but a traditional first name like Jackson, I'd probably do that for both- traditional first names and a bit more daring mn's. I'm sure you could find some cool girl names that would work in a similar way for a mn.
I definitely prefer Chloe over Jenna. Jenna seems dated to me, honestly. What about Janna or Juliana?
I also think the MN Danger could be potentially embarrassing/corny. What about...
Jackson Lennox
Jackson Asher
Jackson Maddox
Jackson Gage
Jackson Reid
Jackson is a great name! Its getting to be a little popular in my area but that doesn't make it not a cute name.
I like both Jenna and Chloe. I hear Jenna a LOT less, but I grew up with a Jenna and she is great. Chloe is equally as cute just a lot more popular.
EDIT: I think that the idea behind Danger as a middle name is a cute thing between you and your husband but honestly I don't think its a good idea. You could always just always nick name him Jackson Dangerfield or something like that. I just don't think its a great option.
TBH, if I met a guy with the middle name "Danger" and it was a pre-DH situation, I would have thought he was either joking with me or trying to have some fun at my expense. Your H is right- someone might not mess with a guy with the middle name Danger, but only if he's over seven feet tall, weighed at least 300 pounds, and was mostly muscle.
I agree with LilyBlue. All her suggested names are excellent.
Jackson is on my boys list so I really like that one
When I read Jenna and Jackson together, it got me thinking...what is that girls name, Jenna Jackson....no, Jenna Jamison lol...so though its not the same, it may get people thinking because her name has already been mentioned above.
I really like Chloe even though it is common...
I am not a fan of Danger for a MN, not really my style, but with that said, I?m really surprised at how much importance everyone is putting on the MN. At 31 yrs old very few people know my MN. I like my MN just fine, but it?s very rare that someone actually asks me my MN, and I do not ask others theirs. If you and your DH are set on Danger, more power to you. As far as the twin names go, like PP, I am also a twin, and I still thank my mom for not giving my sister and I matchy matchy names. I love my sis, but we had to share everything growing up, so not sharing initials was great.
I think I would be more on board with it, if it were an original idea. You would be surprised how many people have done this. I already know a Jameson Danger.
That said Jack and Jenna is cute and I like the family name for her middle name.
Maverick is my guilty pleasure name.
I like Jenna over Chloe but I don't know if I really like Jackson & Jenna together.
I did like Gemma as well from a pp.
I prefer Chloe Elizabeth to avoid a matchy matchy twinset.
As far as Danger...
...I can't believe men can be so freakin' juvenile. I date a guy once who joked about naming a son Espn. It's funny as a joke, not something that should translate into an actual name. Let him give his dog the MN Danger.
Jackson Wiley and Chloe Elizabeth.
I agree with this, but I also liked a PP suggestion of Emma. Totally against Danger as a middle name.
IMO, i would rather have a more popular name, as a kid. Growing up, Tara wasn't exactly popular, which was cool i guess because I was the only Tara in my classes, but it sucked when trying to find things in a store with my name on it. We went on vacation every year and my sister was always able to find her name on the things in the gift shops, but I never could and it used to upset me so much. Now i'm over it and just get stuff personalized if i really want my name on it. Just something to keep in mind.