
What age did LO enjoy coloring?

We went to a restaurant with DD this weekend and the waitress gave her some crayons. She seemed to understand the idea of coloring, I finally had to take the crayons away because she kept eating them. I'm considering a magma doodle or something similar so she can't eat the writing utensil! Do you all think she's still a little young?
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Re: What age did LO enjoy coloring?

  • DS STILL eats the crayons sometimes. It takes practice and reinforcements that we don't eat crayons, but DS started playing around with crayons around a year, but didn't really get it until closer to 18 months.
  • She is young.  Revisit the idea at 16 to 18 months.  My oldest didn't get the concept until about 2.5 years old.

    There are some cute markers and special paper by crayola where the markers won't mark on anything other than  the paper.  However, they have to hold the markers just right before they show up on the paper.


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  • 18-19 months is when he started showing interest in coloring and stickers.
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  • DD has just really gotten into crayons and coloring within this last month, but still takes a nibble here and there when I'm not's a work in progress

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  • DD is just starting to like colouring.


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  • Yeah, she is probably still too young. DS didn't really get into crayons until around 18 months.
  • Up until about 2 weeks ago all DD did was eat the crayons. I was shocked when we went out to eat and she grabbed the crayons, took them out of the wrapper and started coloring like she was a pro.  It happened over night.  
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  • We do both crayon coloring and stickers over here, and DS seems to enjoy it.  However, he LOVES bath tub crayons.  I'd start there, because for whatever reason it is much more fun that coloring book crayon drawings.  

    (Although I still think we're teaching him to color on furniture and walls that way- we'll see if it bites us later on!) 

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  • DD1 just started being able to color without eating or breaking the crayons. She still draws on stuff other than paper though so for now we've switched to markers that ONLY work on the paper that they come with. The kids prefer them anyway..they think it's cool that they can "write" on their hands and nothing shows up but color shows up on their paper.
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  • A likes coloring but he still eats the crayons at 18 months. We've had more success with markers.

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  • DD was around 10 months.  As soon as the crayon got near her mouth I told her, "No eat" and she stopped.

    She loves coloring and doing stickers still today.

  • imagesynchrosally:
    DS STILL eats the crayons sometimes. It takes practice and reinforcements that we don't eat crayons, but DS started playing around with crayons around a year, but didn't really get it until closer to 18 months.
    This, exactly. Now, he loves it!
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  • DS is just starting to like coloring- and the crayon makes it to his mouth sometimes. 
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  • DS is still hit or miss about coloring.  He only colors for about 5 minutes before getting bored & moving on to something else.

  • LO still eats the crayons.  Parents as Teachers suggested just getting a fat pencil for her for marking until she gets out of this phase.  It's the colors that make them look tasty.
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