December 2011 Moms

Any cuteness to share??

When I hid my cell phone under a blanket I was given quite the look. I imagine she was saying "um, duh object permanence! I'm not a 6 month old!"

When I was pureeing beets yesterday I put her ear protection on her - worked like a charm. Usually she gets all tense and twitchy when I blend things! Instead she just watched and grinned


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Re: Any cuteness to share??

  • E isn't crawling yet but has just learned to get up on his knees and he also started scooting backwards while sitting on his bottom. It is so cute and I call tell he is proud of himself for figuring it out because he gives us the biggest smiles!  I will probably regret saying this but I can't wait for him to be crawling!


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    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Fun thread!

    When I am nursing dd and she gets tired she closes her eyes and pulls my shirt over just her eyes, not her shirt or her head at all.

    and her main goal these days is to get my cell phone, if I have it when I am nursing she latches off to try to get it - if I hide it she looks at me really funny.

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  • My DD started fake sneezing this morning. She does the whole achoo thing and bobbs her head up and down untill we say Bless you then she laughs and does it again. Don't know where these kids get this stuff from.
  • imagejanamg:
    My DD started fake sneezing this morning. She does the whole achoo thing and bobbs her head up and down untill we say Bless you then she laughs and does it again. Don't know where these kids get this stuff from.

    I need to borrow your dd to entertain my dd, her favorite thing is when someone sneezes!


  • imageLori18772:

    E isn't crawling yet but has just learned to get up on his knees and he also started scooting backwards while sitting on his bottom. It is so cute and I call tell he is proud of himself for figuring it out because he gives us the biggest smiles!  I will probably regret saying this but I can't wait for him to be crawling!


    DD just started doing this too. i was just w/ my friend & her 1 year old & omg i'm not ready for the crawling & walking. i just left my iced coffee on the ground & he tried to drink it. also tried to take her bottle etc. i'm just used to being able to leave things around. i want her to crawl but i think i should enjoy this freedom while it lasts. 

    she started clapping today. really cute! she doesn't have it perfected yet, she kinda keeps her hands closed a little but she gets the concept.  

  • O has been waving for about a week now but only when promoted & only to us. At the pool today he waved at a lady who was getting in. He waves the his fingers facing him which only makes it cuter. 
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