My LO's are exactly 1 month old now and were born at 33 w, 4 days. Now that they are getting older I am loving to watch them grow and start to develop personalities etc. My first born, twin a, was 4 lb 10 oz. He appears to be very much your "average baby". He is very alert at times, looks around with his big eyes, has awake periods, happy periods, fussy periods etc. His brother, twin b, was born at 3 lbs 9 oz. I would describe him as average as well, but he definitely seems to be reaching his milestones slower. He isn't as "engaged" (as engaged as a 4 week old can be) and rarely makes eye contact. He is very alert at times but stares off more, taking in the sights rather than me. He seems to also get very frustrated at times, grunting and bearing down like he's making poopie but isn't (not constipated either, just mimicking this action). I was concerned as to if these are potentially very early signs of a developmental issue or possibly autism etc. I know it's so hard to diagnose this early on but was wondering if anyone else has experience with multiple preemies where 1 developed slower than the other and what I'm seeing in him is normal? I would love to hear some thoughts. TIA!!
Fraternal twin boys born at 33 weeks 4 days

Re: MoM's with preemies- development question
Every baby is different, including multiples. Your babies aren't even to their EDD yet so everything is definitely within normal range. My A baby has the neck strength of a 4 month old and the personal skills of a 2 month old. My B baby is the opposite, neck strength of a 2 month old (if even) but fantastic personal skills.
I agree with everyone else. The difference between my two girls is fascinating to me. Even at almost 7 months they have such different personalities. DD1 will be crawling any day now, while DD2 just shrieks until someone picks her up
Also, keep in mind that when you read/hear what age babies "should" be doing things, that's just an average. Milestones are based on a bell curve, and there's usually more then a month deviation on either end. So at one month old I would say it's impossible for your baby to be "behind" on anything. Being born over 6 weeks early you also need to keep in mind that they could do things 6 weeks later then most babies. Most of the babies on my BMB had rolled over before my girls did and they were only 4 weeks premature (so the babies on my BMB are all 4-8 weeks younger then mine). Yet now DD1 is doing her own style of crawling and I think only 1 other baby on my BMB has been working at crawling. It also has nothing to do with them being preemies (although that could make them do things later) - I'm sure even full-term babies develop on different schedules and do things at different times.
And I would be very, very careful about throwing out terms like autism. Of course any of our babies could be autistic or have developmental delays, but personally I would rather not even put that into my doctor's head and have them start looking for things that may or may not be there. If they see an issue I'm sure they'll mention it to us.
What? No, your baby has not even reached his due date rate. As another mom of preemies I know it's difficult to relax about those kinds of things, but seriously they sound just like normal newborns. Enjoy them. Social interation doesn't usually develop much until 4-6 weeks and as preemies you should be adjusting their age. One of my twins tends to do things about 2-3 weeks behind his brother. If you are concerned talk to your pedi about getting a referral for Early Childhood Intervention evalution.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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It is too early! My kids are somewhat different. The peanut (girl) seems ahead of my big lil guy. She talks more and rolls from back to front now. They both giggle, roll from front to back, babble, hold objects etc.
The doctor will tell you if they seem behind also btw.