How did you make your decision? Did you regret it or were you happy with your decision?
Me - 39, DH - 49.
BFP #1 6/09, DD- 03/17/10.
BFP #2 4/29/11, Blighted Ovum at 8 weeks
BFP #3 CP 12/27/11. RLP panel - normal. AMH - 2.1, FSH - 9.1, E2 - 74.
IUI #1 + 100mg Clomid - BFN. HSG - CLEAR!!
IUI #2+Clomid+Trigger-BFP!! EDD 3/28/13
Re: If you chose c-section over VBAC...
I had the option to VBAC, but chose c-section due to many reasons. One my baby was measuring big, just like my DD. Since there was a high chance that I would be unsuccessful due to the reasons of my last c-section and the fact that the baby was big (I could even feel it) and not wanting to miss the birth of my second child (I missed the birth of my daughter due to being out for the c-section) my husband and I though it would be best.
We talked a lot about it, he (DH) came to the doctors appointment that I had to decide by and talked with my doctor about it with me. In the end I was very happy I chose the c-section. There is no way I would have been able to push my son out.
Your first c-section sounds exactly like mine. I also underwent a 3 day induction that ended with an unplanned c-section. I was stuck at 6 cm and wouldn't progress any further. I was asking my doctor what his thoughts were as far as vbac v. rcs. He told me its up to me. He said if I don't feel cheated from not having a vaginal birth and if I'm not planning on having too many kids to maybe schedule a c-section but if I'm planning on having lots of kids to go for the vbac so I don't have too many c-sections. I only want two children and then I want my tubes tied so maybe a rcs is a better option for me. My question for you is was the rcs better than your first unplanned c-section? Was recovery shorter or easier or the same?
Make a pregnancy ticker
I had a great Csection experience. It was an emergency Csection but it went well I got to semi hold DD before she was taken to the nursery and we were back together within 30 min. She BF'd just fine and I recovered real quick without a single post csection issue.
I tend to make decisions based on experience and for me Csection was my good experience. So I knew I wanted one but felt some guilt that I was suppose to want VBAC. So I asked my OB about VBAC. He did not consider me a good candidate, b/c he only likes to do VBAC on thrid time moms who have proven their body can do a V birth. I felt I could probably push for it and he would let me but all I needed to hear was I was not a good candidate and I said great csection it is.
I never once after my first one felt like I missed out on something. I have never had regrets are felt upset about it.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
The experience was a LOT better -- I can't even compare the two births it was so much better. The repeat was with *my* doctor who I absolutely love and feel very close to. I know a lot of women say they don't care who delivers their baby but having a stranger do it in the middle of the night was one of the worst parts about my first c-section. I can honestly say that the repeat c-section was one of the best experiences of my life. I got to nurse right away but was separated for hours from my first baby so that alone made it 1000 times better.
As far as recoveries go, I'm comparing one really easy recovery to another. I'm a huge runner and ran all through pregnancy and was able to start running 5 weeks pp after my first c-section but I was able to run a week earlier (at 4 weeks I started running 3 miles a day) this time. I didn't need any narcotic pain relief after either of them, so that was nice. This baby breastfeeds a lot better but I don't know if that's because I knew what I was doing or she is just better at it.
I want, at most, 3 kids but I'm probably done after 2 so that wasn't a big factor. I sort of regret not being able to experience a vaginal delivery, but at the same time I wouldn't have been able to have my wonderful surgery experience either so I try to look at it that way. Good luck with your decision!
My doctor advised me I was not a good candidate, so the decision was an easy one.
I do not regret it. My recovery the second time was so easy!
My doctor allowed me to go up to my due date to attempt a vbac, but she thought I wasn't a great candidate anyway. DD1 was born 10 days late at 9 lbs 2oz and 22" long. She was sunny side up, which didn't allow enough contact with my cervix. I dilated to 9cm and then started to swell closed. My doctor said at her size, she wouldn't have fit through my pelvis anyway. So my only hope was to have a smaller baby who came before my due date.
DD2 was born via c-section 2 days late. She was 9 lbs 4oz and 21.5". I don't regret waiting to have a chance to attempt a vbac. Some part of me wants a chance to attempt a vba2c, but I understand that it doesn't make sense for me. My second c-section went well. My only annoyance was waiting for them to finish stitching me up so I could hold my baby. It seemed like it took forever!
I'll have a third c-section with this baby, and I'm okay with that.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Thanks for letting me know. I also had a different doctor perform my c-section in the middle of the night. I didn't like her at all (she was very cold and to the point) but she did an amazing job. I worked out up through 35 weeks pregnant and I feel pretty good. I saw my doctor yesterday for my 6 week pp appointment and he said I healed beautifully and gave me the go ahead to work out. I was so nervous about anything opening up and he told me that at this point I don't need to worry about that anymore. I also asked him about his thoughts on vbac v. C-section and he said if I don't want multiple kids (he doesn't think it's a good idea to have too many c-sections) and I don't have my heart set on a vaginal delivery to probably schedule a c-section for my next child. I'm glad your second c-section went well because I am a bit frightened to have another child (I know, I'm a whimp).
Make a pregnancy ticker
I had a great c/s experience with DD. By biggest reason for not considering a VBAC is I'm afraid I'll go into labor and end up with a c/s again. With DD I started having contractions Friday night, I wasn't even 1cm when we went to hospital. Finally, at 1AM Monday morning I couldn't take it anymore so we went in again, and I was 3cm. After being there all day she stopped progressing. I'd rather just cut to the chase, and be prepared for the c/s.
I haven't had it yet but so far no regrets. I know what to expect, so I verified with my new Dr yesterday how she'll close the incision, and how long I'm expected to stay in the hospital. We're on the same page which makes me more relaxed.
Thanks to all of you for your input! Like many of you, my first c/s with DD #1 was not planned and was due to me not progressing after being induced for 24 hours and also fetal distress. The cord was wrapped around her neck and her HB kept dropping and they couldn't get it back up. It was HORRIBLE. I was passing out on the table and couldn't hold her for hours.
This will be our last and I am terrified of having another terrible delivery experience.
I think you ladies all helped me with my decision!
My first c-section was an emergency c-section. My husband and I talked about my fears. I had no control over Makayla's birth, I wanted to avoid this at all costs with Kirstin. Since I already knew what to expect with a c-section, that seemed like the best option for us.
There are times when I feel like I missed out on a beautiful experience... in regards to Makayla's birth I feel robbed. Instead I am trying to focus on the fact that I have two beautiful healthy girls, and I wouldn't have it any other way.