June 2011 Moms


Is anyone else's LO still extremely clingy?  I thought that as she became more mobile she would also become more independent but she just stands up to cling to my legs now.  Anyone else in the same boat?
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Re: Clinginess?

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    Yes and no. If we're at home and she's either bored or tired, she gets clingy. If we're out and about and she's exploring a new environment, she tries to venture off on her own.

    She has 4 molars coming through and she has been a bit more clingy lately than usual. It seems she gets that way whenever she's teething. 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    DH: 34/Me: 35
    Married: Feb 2008
    DD: June 2011
    TTC# 2: April 2014
    BFP!! 8/29/16 --> EDD: 5/11/17....it's a GIRL!!! :)
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    OMG, it's insane. The only way I can put him down is to actually get on the floor with him, then get up a few minutes later once he's busy playing. Even then, he'll come find me pretty quickly and attach himself to my leg, whining to be picked up. I did just discover his first molar broken through today, so I'm hoping that is the cause (and hoping the other molars move quickly).
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    Yes definitely....unless of course we are somewhere j prefer she either sit content in her stroller or cling to me.
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    Em is sooo clingy. At home she wants me every second, and out everyone notices that she always wants her mommy. DH says we are attached at the hip.
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    Z's been terrible lately! I don't know what's going on with her, but we can't get more than 3 feet from her or she starts screaming and chasing after us. I'm hoping it passes soon! She's always been great at being independent until recently.
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    My guy is still pretty clingy.  Some days are better than others, but he will still get upset sometimes if I leave the room to let the dog out or go to the bathroom.  If I'm in the living room on the couch, he'll come over and lay his head on my lap a lot.  When there's lots of people around, forget it.  We had my uncle's wake this past weekend and he would barely stay by MH and when I would hold him, he would just keep his head on my shoulder.  Most days I don't mind it, but some days mama just needs a minute to breathe. Embarrassed 
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    She has been very clingy lately.  She did not used to be this way, so I think we are going though seperation anxiety.  She is really close to walking (she has taken a few independent steps) and it seems like that has made her realize she's on her own and made her more needy.  I am just hoping it will pass.  I try to "practice" being apart by just leaving the room for a few minutes while saying, "mommy will be right back" so she hopefully gets the concept that I do come back.  I have no idea if that is the right approach or not, though.
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    Yes!  If she's feeling adventerous when we're out she will take off, and some days at play group she is more independant that others.  But at home, or when she's tired, she is super clingy.  She often pulls my pajama pants down if I don't pick her up right away.
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