Im have been doing lots of research on the covers for prefolds. Could you let me know the ones you prefer?
We are thinking Econobum or Thirsties Duo Wrap, but I am open to learning about others. If you used the ones above, how did you like them?
Feel free to link me to another post that answered this already. I went through several pages and didnt see one, but that doesnt mean it wasnt there.
Re: Favorite prefold covers?
I like the Econobum, but it won't fit a newborn. It's a good cover at a good price. I've never used Thirsties Duo, but I liked their sized covers.
For newborn stage, I really liked Proraps size newborn, Thirsties XS, and Bummis Super Brite size small (after the cord fell off).
Now I've been using Flips and Econobum one size covers, but am finding as DD gets more active it is harder to keep those covers completely covering a snappi-ed prefold at the leg hole (tri-folding is no problem). I just ordered size Mediums in the Thirsties and Bummis Superbrite to see if the double gussets help any with this.
I liked the Thirsties Duo wrap, but the aplix is totally trashed after light use. We have snap ones too that are better, but the snaps didn't fit my DD until she was almost out of her prefolds (we only had them for our NB stash).
Now that she can wear OS, I like the Econobum covers over a fitted. I don't think the Econobum prefolds will ever fit her. They are enormous, and I only use them to lay on the changing pad in case she pees.
I also really liked Bummis Super Brites (hated the Super Whisper Wraps), and Proraps. I have a Blueberry Coverall, but I'm just meh about it.
So, I hated the Thirsties duos- the rise snaps were always coming undone. Something I have never had a problem with on any other diaper. I like the Econobum okay, but I only ever put it over fitteds and sometimes it's a hard fit. There is no way it would fit over a ON diapers right.
My favorite covers are bummis superbrite, BB coverall (and mini), RaR OS, and Weehuggers duo sized. IMO, if you are planning to use PFs, you should really get a cover with double gussets. Not only does it help make sure nothing leaks, but they keep the PF from shifting around as much when it is trifolded.