
How long did you stay on a 3-hour schedule?

We are still doing it, upon pediatrician's request over concern about their growth. I feel done though, and ready to just trust the babies to wake up when they are ready. We're seeing the doctor again next week for a weight check and I'm intending to put my foot down. I feel like 3 months is plenty long enough to wake them up at 1am and 4am when they might sleep through - or at least 4-6 hours - if we let them. They are small - one is 7th % for weight and the other is 10th % - but they seem very healthy to me, not thin or worrisome. 

ETA: I'm fine with doing every three hours during the day. I'm more wondering about when you stopped doing it at night.

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Re: How long did you stay on a 3-hour schedule?

  • Just 2 months; my boys both shifted basically on their own to a 4-hr schedule when they were 8 weeks old. It was actually right after we started following some of the HSHHC principles, which led us to a good nap schedule. They gained pretty fast in the beginning though.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Mine still eat every 3 hours but only during the day. We let them sleep and wake up when they were hungry but continued the every 3 hours during the day. When they were close to 3 months they started giving us longer stretches 9 pm to 3 am and then slowly got rid of that 3 am feeding. If they are gaining I don't understand the concern about the schedule. Were they early?
    ttc #1 since 7/10 Dx - PCOS and LPD chemical pregnancy 6/11 IUI #1 9/5 & 9/6 9/19 - BFP, beta #1 149 (15 dpo), beta #1 (17 dpo) 370 1st ultrasound 5 w 6 days -- TWINS!!! It's a boy and a girl! Born April 15, 2012. Baby A - 4 lbs 11 ounces, Baby B - 5 lbs 6 ounces Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • we fed them every 3 hours during the day until the turned 1...but around 6-7 weeks they started going 4 hours between feeds at nite (I considered anything before 12 midnight and after 5:30 am "daytime"...good luck!
  • We stayed on it until they were eating 3 solids meals per day. Every time we tried to mess with their schedule they would start waking up in the night again. They started STTN (12 hours) around 5 months....I much preferred feeding them every 3 hours during the day and getting to sleep at night LOL.
    photo 203b9128-895f-464c-a378-ff73eaf8c1ce_zps4de57ab1.jpg
    Xander, Hayden & Lily 5 1/2 and Jericho 3 My Blog!
  • Sorry, I should clarify that I'm fine with every 3 hours during the day. I just want to let them start sleeping as long as they want to at night. 
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • imageleapgirl8:

    We are still doing it, upon pediatrician's request over concern about their growth. I feel done though, and ready to just trust the babies to wake up when they are ready. We're seeing the doctor again next week for a weight check and I'm intending to put my foot down. I feel like 3 months is plenty long enough to wake them up at 1am and 4am when they might sleep through - or at least 4-6 hours - if we let them. They are small - one is 7th % for weight and the other is 10th % - but they seem very healthy to me, not thin or worrisome. 

    ETA: I'm fine with doing every three hours during the day. I'm more wondering about when you stopped doing it at night.


    Leapgirl ... We have one year old and they are still on the 3 hour schedule from the NICU... we tried to break them  let them stay up longer or waited to feed and they were hot messes!!!

    SO- at one they are still on it give or take ... 

    - 2 Moms 2 Twins Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • We stopped waking to feed by 10 weeks.  They still eat every three hours during the day.  I stopped doing one up both up also about 10 weeks as I had one who ate great during the day and was just ready to STTN by that time.  
    IVF#1 May 2011 15 Eggs Retrieved, 11 Fertilized using ICSI + HPT on 6/9/11 Beta #1 420 Beta #2 2167 US 7/1 TWINS!! Due 2/18/2012 Brooke and Nora born at 35.6 weeks Jan 20th 2012
  • image2moms2twins:

    We are still doing it, upon pediatrician's request over concern about their growth. I feel done though, and ready to just trust the babies to wake up when they are ready. We're seeing the doctor again next week for a weight check and I'm intending to put my foot down. I feel like 3 months is plenty long enough to wake them up at 1am and 4am when they might sleep through - or at least 4-6 hours - if we let them. They are small - one is 7th % for weight and the other is 10th % - but they seem very healthy to me, not thin or worrisome. 

    ETA: I'm fine with doing every three hours during the day. I'm more wondering about when you stopped doing it at night.


    Leapgirl ... We have one year old and they are still on the 3 hour schedule from the NICU... we tried to break them  let them stay up longer or waited to feed and they were hot messes!!!

    SO- at one they are still on it give or take ... 


    oh i forgot to say that ours girls are tiny too .. they are 3-5% for weight but DR is not worried because they eat a ton but are super active so they burn off - i was worried... but the Pedi says not to ... and no need to supplement for us .. but  our kids only love fruit and protein ...  we tried to give them carbs and they refuse sucked the cheese of the mac n cheese and gave us the noodle back .. we do full fat yogurt and cottage cheese  - who knows ever child is so so different 

    - 2 Moms 2 Twins Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    our Blog -
  • At our 8 week check up our babies were only in the 5th and 9th percentile for weight and our pedi told us they could go 5-6 hours at night.  At about 9 weeks they started sleeping from 9-3 and then again from 4-9.  At 10ish weeks they suddenly went from that to sleeping 9pm-6am.  They did that until they hit this crazy growth spurt this week and want to eat at night but I hold them off until 6. We were doing every 3 hours during the day until this week, now we are at 4oz of BM every 4ish hours.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • We kept them on it during the day until around 7 months...I really think it helped them start to STTN like 12 hours at 4 months.  I think we quit waking for night feedings around 3 months.
    Diagnosis: DOR and MFI-low everything IVF #1 = triplets! 2 girls and a boy! Born Sept 29, 2011 at 32w6d due to Pre-e and HELLP syndrome Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • We stopped waking them at night after 1 mo (right around their due date) but they woke themselves jusssttt fine. Around 12 w (2 mo adj) they started taking one 5 hr stretch at night. They scrape the bottom of the growth chart, but our pedi (while concerned about their weight) has always encouraged us to let them sleep as long as possible overnight (they're not awesome sleepers though, so its not like they weren't eating overnight)
  • imageTripMomma:
    We stayed on it until they were eating 3 solids meals per day. Every time we tried to mess with their schedule they would start waking up in the night again. They started STTN (12 hours) around 5 months....I much preferred feeding them every 3 hours during the day and getting to sleep at night LOL.

    I have this same philosophy, right now they eat 5oz every 3 hours during the day and sleep from 7-7 only getting up once. so, I"m gonna wait for solids to move to a 4 hour during the day schedule. 

    Married 07/2011 <3
    ID Twin girls 04/2012 <3<3
    Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017  <3

  • image2moms2twins:

    We are still doing it, upon pediatrician's request over concern about their growth. I feel done though, and ready to just trust the babies to wake up when they are ready. We're seeing the doctor again next week for a weight check and I'm intending to put my foot down. I feel like 3 months is plenty long enough to wake them up at 1am and 4am when they might sleep through - or at least 4-6 hours - if we let them. They are small - one is 7th % for weight and the other is 10th % - but they seem very healthy to me, not thin or worrisome. 

    ETA: I'm fine with doing every three hours during the day. I'm more wondering about when you stopped doing it at night.


    at one they are still on it give or take ... 

    U/S#1 showed 2 heartbeats! U/S#2 showed Baby A's heartbeat was 157 and Baby B 's heartbeat was 183! U/S#4 showed Baby A is a Boy (heartbeat 161) and Baby B is a Girl (heartbeat 159)!! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We're still on a 3 hr. schedule and my girls are 7 months old. It seems to work best for us. They eat 5 times a day and sleep through the night so I can't complain!
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