Pregnant after 35


We expect an update as soon as you get a chance Big Smile

Re: Benniferbaby!

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    Nothing to report :(

    I am beyond exhausted but you guys were right last night, as I expected you would be - just BH, not real contractions! No contractions today. I promise if something happens I will post!

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    Its still exciting though!  BH contractions are from your body practicing for labor!  good luck on starting the real thing soon!
    Aug 15 April Siggy challenge: Baby Shower fails:


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    Thanks Jess! It seems weird that my body hasn't wanted to "practice" until now, since lots of women get BH much earlier, even FTMs. Oh well, I'll take what I can get!
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    LoL!  I didn't have any BH with my first two children but I started having them with Ev at like 5 months and the last two weeks of the pregnancy was just walking around with constant contractions!  It was a pain.  Your day will be here soon and I am getting soooo excited for you.
    Aug 15 April Siggy challenge: Baby Shower fails:


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    I get a LOT of BH these days, but everyone is right... they don't feel like the "real deal" Take heart in knowing that they are practice for the real thing though. That's what I do (I didn't have this many BH with #1, so I'm hoping this is my body just knowing what it needs to do this time.. and that just maybe I'll have a quick labor as a result of it.) You're so close though! I can't wait to hear your story!
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