
Poll to lighten things up

Since I was a downer in my previous post and it's slow today.  I'm going to have to post and run but here's something important to think about.

What sitcom husband would you most like to be married to?

What sitcom husband is most like your actual husband? 

*Siggy Warning*

About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



Re: Poll to lighten things up

  • We're pretty much like Lily and Marshall from HIMYM. Now all I need is a friend like Braney and my life will be complete.

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  • Want: Uncle Jessie from Full House, although Cliff Huxtable seems like a fun husband too if he weren't so much older

    Most like: Dan Connor from Roseanne

    *Siggy Warning*

    About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



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  • Like to be married to: Cliff Huxtable, perfect amount of funny and devoted.

    Am married to : Tim Allen, noise and all.

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  • I would probably most want him to be like Marshall from HIMYM.

    He's probably most like Tim Allen from Home Improvement. He's a guys guy and I can't tell you how many of his "projects" have literally blown up around here.  

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  • oooh I like this!

    Want: Will Arnett in up all night,

    Most Like: Chandler from Friends.

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  • #1- Michael Keaton

    #2- Raymond

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  • He's definitely most like Will Arnett in Up All Night.  I don't like that show, but he's most like him.

    I'm not sure who I'd want...

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  • My husband is just like Phil from modern family. Completely goofy.
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  • DH has strong similarities to Phil Dunfy and super strong similarities to Mike from the Middle.

    If we're talking non-husband in sitcoms he is a 50/50 Leonard/Sheldon Big Bang split.


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  • I thought I'd marry someone like Leonard from Big Bang Theory

    I ended up marrying a mixture of Dan Connor from Roseanne, Larry the Cable Guy and Tim the Tool Man Taylor from Home Improvement. LOL

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  • Want: probably Cliff Huxtable

    Have: cross between Phil Dunphy and Ray Barone.

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  • He is just like Jim Halpert. In fact, we are just like Pam & Jim. He wants to be like Sandy Cohen, lol.

    I like him just the way he is. 

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