March 2013 Moms

Any MoMs on here praying for a singleton?

I have my u/s scheduled at 12 weeks.  Sadly, the doc was not very helpful when I asked for one at 7 weeks.  They sent me for a blood test, but I have little faith in those numbers.  I really want a normal pregnancy.  Anyone in my position?
*Siggy warning - loss mentioned*
Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections

Re: Any MoMs on here praying for a singleton?

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    I don't pray, but boy did I hope for a singleton this time around given my history (preterm labor at almost 19 weeks leading to the loss of our daughter which they think was caused by the prior death of the first twin at 14 weeks). 

    I did get an early scan--have now had two--and I only have one embryo in there this time which is a great relief.

    I agree with the above poster.  My twins were di-di and so almost surely fraternal, meaning I ovulated two eggs.  I was worried that perhaps I always ovulated two eggs every month and that I would always conceive two at once.  Luckily that didn't happen this time.  But I would think if you have a history of identicals that wouldn't make you any more likely to have identical or fraternal twins in the future.

    In any case, that sucks about having to wait until 12 weeks to find out.

    BFP #1 9/21/11. EDD 6/4/12.  Twins discovered at 8 weeks. Twin B lost at 14 weeks due to megacystis.  Alice Joe born and lost 1/5/12 at 18.5 weeks due to pre-term labor.

    BFP #2 7/11/12.  EDD 3/23/13.  Ada Alice born 3/20/13.

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    I'm not a MoM but a triplet myself...I prayed for ONE baby and my 9 week scan showed One! Uno! Such a relief!
    My little boy: 3/8/13
    Baby #2 due 8/17/17 
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    I agree with the above poster.  My twins were di-di and so almost surely fraternal, meaning I ovulated two eggs.  I was worried that perhaps I always ovulated two eggs every month and that I would always conceive two at once.  Luckily that didn't happen this time.  But I would think if you have a history of identicals that wouldn't make you any more likely to have identical or fraternal twins in the future.

    Yep - I realize that it is an irrational fear and that statistically my chances of having twins again are the same as anybody else without a family history.  It doesn't stop the panic though.  I had premature labor, spent 9 weeks on bed rest, and then 28 and 30 days in the NICU with my girls.  I would do it again if I had to, but honestly, I would rather not. 

    *Siggy warning - loss mentioned*
    Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
    High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections
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