Cloth Diapering

Cloth trainers

I have only clothed our newest baby so I am still new at this. My son (2.5 years) decided to reject his pull ups today. He has been throwing a fit when we change him so I asked if he wanted to wear under wear. Now, he will not put the pull up back on for nap! I put towels down and  am hoping for the best, but I want to go grab some cloth trainers for over night and when we go out. Recommendations pleas!!!!!!

Re: Cloth trainers

  • I just started potty training DS, and have tried the Imse Vimse and Blueberry trainers. The Imse Vimse is more absorbant, and easier to pull down, but I love the patterns and the soft cotton velour inner on the bluberry. Neither of them are absrobant enough for nighttime, they will hold a small pee, but thats about it.  He did poop in the blueberry the other day and it held it in just fine. I did look into the happy heiney trainer which is a stuffable pocket, so that may be an option for nighttime. GL!
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