April 2011 Moms

Baby Pic Monday 8-6-2012 - Olympics edition :)


Long time, no baby pic Monday!

How old is LO?  Almost 16 months

 Height/Weight?  We just had her 15 month appt, so I actually know this - she is 32inches (95%) and 22lbs (50%).  

Any new milestones?  She is expanding her vocabulary and starting to climb on things now.  

What sport in the Olympics would LO compete in?  I think diving - she is just fearless and loved jumping into the pool during swim lessons this summer 

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
bfp 4/8/2010, m/c 4/16/2010
bfp 7/31/2010, dd born 4/2011
bfp 2/7/2014, edd 10/19/2014, m/c 2/25/2014
bfp 5/22/2014, edd 1/27/2015, MMC 6/30/2014, D&C 7/8/2014

Re: Baby Pic Monday 8-6-2012 - Olympics edition :)

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     How old is LO? - The twins are 16 months old

     Height/weight? - As of their 15 month appt A was 31 3/4" and 23lbs 4 oz. Owen was 31 1/4" and 3" and 23lbs 3 oz.

    Any new milestones? Both are pointing out everything, Amelia is nodding yes when you ask her yes/no questions, both babies are babbling/chattering away.

    What sport in the Olympics would LO compete in? Amelia - I could see Gymnastics. Owen I'm not sure...soccer maybe? Our oldest would be swimming or some sort of track event.

                                                 Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03
                                               Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
                                        Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Lilypie - (eGB2)
    Be The Match - and help save a life by signing up for the National Marrow Donor Program.
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     How old is LO? - About 16.5 months

     Height/weight? - I'm guessing close to 32" and 24 lbs based on where he was at 15 months

    Any new milestones? He's finally standing independently and running around like crazy while pushing his walking toy (but still not walking).  He's also learning new words (shoe was the latest one today) and following some instructions (if I say "Let's go upstairs" he'll stop whatever he's doing and head for the steps).

    What sport in the Olympics would LO compete in? With the way he flips off of everything I'm going to say gymnastics or diving.

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    Sarah sharing her ice cream cone with Beth. LOL

    How old is LO?  15m 1wks

     Height/Weight?  I'm not sure how tall she is but she's 20.5 lbs

    Any new milestones?  REALLY walking. I only saw her crawl one time last night. Lots of falls and bumps. She's signing like crazy and babbling. Hitting! So fun! not. She'll hit anyone and anything. And keep doing it.

    What sport in the Olympics would LO compete in? Boxing. Stick out tongue

  • Looking like such a big girl.


     How old is LO?  16 months and a couple of days.

     Height/Weight? At her 15 months appt, she was 23 lbs and 31.75".

    Any new milestones?  She's just a sponge- learning new things every day. I've really noticed her comprehension growing by leaps and bounds.

    What sport in the Olympics would LO compete in? Gymnastics. No doubt. lol

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • I have no pictures but

    How old is LO? 15 months 1 week and a couple days.

    Height/Weight? At her 15 months appt, she was 19 lbs 6 oz  and 30".

    Any new milestones? She climbed the stairs in record time last night, it was the first time she even tried.

    What sport in the Olympics would LO compete in?  Gymnastics, she is little and she is strong!

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