
2 naps? HOW?!! Help Please!

My girls are 8 months old and still taking SUPER short naps about 3-4 times a day. How did you get yours to go to 2 naps a day? I was following the EASY plan and they usually nap about 2 hours after last getting up. But that means that they only sleep for about 30-45 mins at a time and they do this at least 3 times a day and sometimes 4.

Help me! I really would like to take a shower. and I'm sure my husband would appreciate it if I did too. :) ha!?

Here's a sample of our schedule (play time is during all open times obviously. I just listed their bottle, food and nap times)











6:30ish--sometimes a quick cat nap

7:30ish-8pm---bottle and then to bed


Tell me if I am too early to think 2 naps is possible. Or just give me suggestions. I'm open to ideas and suggestions. thanks!


Anna, Ava, Alexis 3-3-08?

Re: 2 naps? HOW?!! Help Please!

  • Two naps is possible at that time, but I don't remember exactly how we got there.  I think it was a gradual shifting of the first nap later in the day, which caused them to sleep longer for that nap.  But I'm hazy on the details.
  • Hmm. I have found with mine (who are on two naps a day) that sometimes they will wake from their nap way too soon, like after 30-45 minutes. If I give them a few minutes they will usually settle back down and fall asleep again, sometimes for another 45 minutes or so. Do you get them right away? The way I found this out was that I finally decided that naps were going to be for an hour - at least. So, if they woke up before that hour was up, unless there was screaming fit to wake the dead, I didn't go in. Usually they will wake, make some complaining, whiny sort of cries, then fall back asleep. Mine generally sleep for 1 - 1 1/2 hours each nap.
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  • I know that this really is not a lot of help, but i found that girls do not sleep as long. i do have mine on 2 naps a day, but my little girl aways gets up before the boys and will usually only sleep 45 min to an hour at a time. The boys may sleep for hour and half to 2 hours. I have a friend with a little girl and her dd does the same thing.
  • I'm not sure if this will help you or not, but our schedule looked like this for our girls at that age:

    7:30 wake up

    8:00 bottle

    9:00 breakfast

    brief nap around 10:00, I don't let them sleep more than 30-40 minutes, usually during a walk

    11:30 lunch

    12:00 bottle

    1:00-3:30 nap (yes, 2 1/2 hours!)

    4:00 bottle

    5:00 dinner

    7:00 bottle

    8:00 bed

    I do my best to tire them out in the morning so they nap well in the afternoon, and usually it works.  Also, we have terrible naps if the room is too light- we have to keep it dungeon-like dark in there, but it works really well.  Maybe try making their room darker to see if that helps?

     Good luck!

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