Working Moms

Babysitter just texted and said DD had been screaming since she arrived this morning!

I have been at work for an hour and a half...feel sick to my stomach that I am not there comforting my sweet girl. There are no obvious signs of pain/hunger/sickness, so the babysitter thinks she is just having a bad/tired morning.  How do you explain to a five month old that you love her so much, even if you can't be there all the time to play with her and comfort her when she is sad? 

Usually I enjoy being a working mom--today is really tough.

Re: Babysitter just texted and said DD had been screaming since she arrived this morning!

  • Hang in there. Sometimes babies have off days just like adults do. Just give her lots of extra snuggles when you get off work today. Also, if it wold help, maybe call or text you provider later this afternoon and check in on her. Maybe she will feel better after a nap.
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  • I'm sorry you're having to deal with this.  Like PP said, hopefully you can get in some extra snuggles tonight. 
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  • Don't forget too that crying is part of their development, the way they express themselves, the way they release exhaustion and comfort themselves. Tell the sitter to take her out for a walk or change of scenery. Don't feel bad. She'll never remember this day .... ever....
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  • The other thing to remember is that she could very well be screaming and unconsolable even if you WERE there, so don't beat yourself up because you're not. Very possible that she's just tired, hopefully she can go for a walk with her and she'll fall asleep.
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  • IMO, she shouldn't have texted you that. As long as she is not sick, not running fever, not having diahrea (can never spell that word), etc.... then she shouldn't be stressing you out/making you feel guilty (even if that wasn't her intention). Babies do have days like that. Maybe she's fighting her sleep, maybe she's gassy, maybe she is just having an off day like we all do sometimes.

    Don't feel guilty. LO will be ok, this day will soon pass and she will be back to her normal self soon.

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  • That's hard. I try to remember, they have bad days when they are w/ me so of course it will happen with others as well.

    I hope her day gets better. 

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  • ((hugs))
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  • imagejetgrrrl:
    The other thing to remember is that she could very well be screaming and unconsolable even if you WERE there, so don't beat yourself up because you're not. Very possible that she's just tired, hopefully she can go for a walk with her and she'll fall asleep.

     This.   Still it's hard some days :(  Hang in there!

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