So today is my last day with my DH supporting me at home. He has to go back to work tomorrow. I was wondering if there are any pointers from any other Mom's out there to help me stay sane by myself?
My Blog: The Future is Green Hospitalized 6/11/12 - Flynn Born 6/16/12 at 31w3ds - Me: Released on 7/2/12 - Flynn Off O2 on 7/18/12 - Started on Demand Feeding on 7/27/12 - Finally home! 7/30/12
Was staying at home your plan or something that happened because of the PTL?
I don't know what advice to offer, to be honest. You aren't by have LO. DS and I spent our days going through NB stuff which kept me plenty busy. I have great online friend support (it seems there is a gap now between my friends who don't have children and those with FT babies - I can't relate to either, though it's better now that DS is older). Just soak up those soft baby's true when people say they go so fast even if it doesn't feel like that at the time.
Ditto urbanflowerpot, I have a lot of friend support mainly online. RSV season was tough but I tried to plan out my days and get out for walks when we could. I tried to rest when the twins rested and would focus on one household chore a day.
In the very beginning I spent a lot of time just enjoying the newborn phase and all the snuggles.
OT/PT also kept us busy too.
Mom to preemie b/g twins born 14 weeks early after 3 years of IF, 8 clomid cycles and 1 IVF.
So today is my last day with my DH supporting me at home. He has to go back to work tomorrow. I was wondering if there are any pointers from any other Mom's out there to help me stay sane by myself?
I felt like this a lot in the beginning. I wasn't necessarily planning on staying home when LO was born but it was definitely the best thing for him given the circumstance, and I found myself a bit resentful that I was suddenly resigning from my job and home all the time. It didn't mean I didn't love my son; it was just a huge change and we were learning to care for a still very fragile preemie with lots of medical needs. We were in isolation due to germs but I had a few family members who would come over to visit when they were healthy and hadn't been around anyone else sick. That helped a lot. I slept any chance I could get as well. LO was a really bad sleeper and if I finally did get him to sleep on his own for a bit I tried to nap as well. Good luck!
Re: Stay At home Momma Question
Was staying at home your plan or something that happened because of the PTL?
I don't know what advice to offer, to be honest. You aren't by have LO. DS and I spent our days going through NB stuff which kept me plenty busy. I have great online friend support (it seems there is a gap now between my friends who don't have children and those with FT babies - I can't relate to either, though it's better now that DS is older). Just soak up those soft baby's true when people say they go so fast even if it doesn't feel like that at the time.
Ditto urbanflowerpot, I have a lot of friend support mainly online. RSV season was tough but I tried to plan out my days and get out for walks when we could. I tried to rest when the twins rested and would focus on one household chore a day.
In the very beginning I spent a lot of time just enjoying the newborn phase and all the snuggles.
OT/PT also kept us busy too.
I felt like this a lot in the beginning. I wasn't necessarily planning on staying home when LO was born but it was definitely the best thing for him given the circumstance, and I found myself a bit resentful that I was suddenly resigning from my job and home all the time. It didn't mean I didn't love my son; it was just a huge change and we were learning to care for a still very fragile preemie with lots of medical needs. We were in isolation due to germs but I had a few family members who would come over to visit when they were healthy and hadn't been around anyone else sick. That helped a lot. I slept any chance I could get as well. LO was a really bad sleeper and if I finally did get him to sleep on his own for a bit I tried to nap as well. Good luck!