
MoMs of 1 + twins, gifts for LO1 on babies' birthday?

So we had the babies' first birthday party yesterday. A few of my friends asked if I was going to get anything for DD1 to open at their party. I said no, it is not her birthday, I don't want her to expect gifts on her sisters' birthday. Well, DD1 got 5 gifts from people at the party yesterday. Now I feel like a bad mom. Do you buy gifts for your LO's when it's their sibling's birthday? When my friends have had their second babies, I take a baby gift for her and also a little something for the first LO but that's a little different. I feel like it's so new for the first LO, it's nice for them to get a little something when everyone is doting on the new baby. By the time the baby's first birthday rolls around, the first child should be pretty used to having a sibling. What do you ladies think?
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Re: MoMs of 1 + twins, gifts for LO1 on babies' birthday?

  • I always thought it was ridiculous, when I was a kid, for siblings of my friends or cousins to receive gifts on someone else's birthday - mostly because they were always really - for lack of a better word - b!tchy kids. 

    Our kid's grandparents (all sets) have this urge to always send a small gift for the other sibling (our twins aren't here yet, but we have two kids) at birthday time, usually just a $5 bill or a little beanie baby or a shirt. We usually give it to them after the party ends and the other kids go home, because we don't think it's a very good example to set for other children who don't receive gifts on their sibling's birthdays, and we still believe that a birthday party should be all about the child(ren) celebrating a birthday. The little side gifts are usually done later in the evening after the party, or even a few days before/after. A few times, we've had BOTH of them just open the gifts from people who happen to send one for each of them together at home outside of the party entirely.

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  • The babies turned two on Friday and I didn't get Emerson anything.  My mom and SIL brought her little "love" gifts.  I don't think it's necessary.  If you're a bad mom then, I am too!  lol-
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  • I wouldn't do it... my parents didn't do it with us. I am the oldest of 3. We were told that we had our special day and that's when we would get a gift. We never expected gifts on each other's bdays.


  • No, we didn't. I also didn't give the twins anything when our oldest had his birthday. My twins' birthday was just before Easter so my BIL brought Easter baskets for all three kids and then an extra item for our oldest. He got the baskets for free from his job and that was all he gave the twins. So not only did he not spend any money on them for their birthday he put no thought into it and then spent money on our other son. My BIL was the only one to bring anything extra for our oldest child.
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  • We don't have twins yet, but our boys are 22 months apart.  We don't give the non bday child a gift on the bday child's birthday.  That day is for the bday child. 
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