I chose two (m/f). Kes (not really a movie, but same idea) and Marius. Any idea how to make my siggy even out? My quote is stuck to the side of the new pic.
It's always so hard for me to pick just one, so here's male and female names.
Darcy for Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Um, notice how it's the BBC version with Colin Firth, that god among men. Much better than Matthew MacFayden, not that he is the main reason I dislike the newer version. I've only known female Darcys though, so I'd never use it. Back up option if we couldn't use surname was Ashley Wilkes from Gone With the Wind.
Hadassah from One Night With the King. I dislike Esther, but think Hadassah is so beautiful. As I understand it, it's a favorite of those from the Jewish faith/heritage and it's somewhat touchy for a non-Jew to use. So that's why it's a GP. And DH dislikes it.
I like keeping my siggy small, but I'd pick Bodhi (Patrick Swayze) from Point Break and Juno (Ellen Page) from Juno. I'd never use either, but they both appeal to me.
I almost picked Westley too! My order of GPs from movies for boys are: Darcy, Ashley and Westley. I'd actually be more likely to use Westley because there is such a fan base that a lot of people would get the reference, whereas Ashley and Darcy would just get a bunch of comments on how it's a girl name.
Re: August Siggy Challenge!
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Past Challenges: March, January, December, November, October, September, July, June, May, April, March, February, January, December, November and October
I chose two (m/f). Kes (not really a movie, but same idea) and Marius. Any idea how to make my siggy even out? My quote is stuck to the side of the new pic.
It's always so hard for me to pick just one, so here's male and female names.
Darcy for Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Um, notice how it's the BBC version with Colin Firth, that god among men. Much better than Matthew MacFayden, not that he is the main reason I dislike the newer version. I've only known female Darcys though, so I'd never use it. Back up option if we couldn't use surname was Ashley Wilkes from Gone With the Wind.
Hadassah from One Night With the King. I dislike Esther, but think Hadassah is so beautiful. As I understand it, it's a favorite of those from the Jewish faith/heritage and it's somewhat touchy for a non-Jew to use. So that's why it's a GP. And DH dislikes it.
I'm not going to change my siggy, but would you settle for a few PIPs?
#1 is probably Larisa from Dr. Zhivago:
Westley from The Princess Bride:
Briony (and Arabella) from Atonement:
Imelda from The Commitments
...and I'm sure there are lots more.